chapter 27

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Summer as she dodged the bullet

"Sorry." Emma said

"Are you trying to kill me?" Summer asked

"I said I was sorry,it was a mistake. I didn't mean to, I got distracted." Emma said

Summer sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"How is this keeping me safe again?" She asked

Emma nervously giggled then put her gun in her pocket.

"There's a skating part next to the mall, do you want to go there?" She asked

"Look at them." Emma said while smiling,"all this good-looking boys in one place."

Summer shook her head then sighed.

"So we came her to check them out." Summer said

Emma turned to her then smiled.

"You might end up finding someone here." She said

"No I'm fine." She said," can we just go back, aren't I supposed to be in hiding or something."

"Chill Summer." Emma said," I have been in this game for long, I know how to protect us."

Summer sighed and shook her head.

"Come on, they won't bite." Emma said while heading towards the skate park

I'm gonna regret this later for so.

Summer gave in then followed Emma.

Summer crossed her arms over her chest and avoided eye contact with the boy who kept on staring at her.

"You're pretty." The boy said out of the blue

Summer blushed and thanked him.

He chuckled then said," I'm Marco and yours."

Summer bit her lip then looked at him.

She thought about how she could answer him without sounding rude.

"I'm sorry but I'm taken." She said while smiling

Marco raised his eyebrows then looked around them.

"You sure cause I can't see him anywhere." He said

Summer, Unknowingly rolled her eyes and scoffed.

She was not going to let a guy like him try to ruin her relationship that she worked hard on go to waste.

"Look at me." Summer said while pointing to her face,"Do I look interested to you. Can you just piss off and find someone else to annoy."

Marco's smile dropped then he clicked his tongue.

"You aren't even that pretty." He said before walking away

Summer rolled her eyes and bit her lip.

Holding all the unholy words that were about to burst out.

Summer exhaled then looked for Emma, once she spotted her, she walked up to her.

"Can we go now?" Summer asked,"I don't remember the directions."

"Okay but just wait for 5 minutes, I managed to get this boy's number." She said while smirking

Summer mentally groaned.

Once her brothers come back to get her, she would make sure to make them never let her come back here again.

Summer stepped aside then stared at the skate park then her eyes caught sight of the blonde boy who was whispering to a black haired boy, who turned his gaze to her once they were done talking.

Summer shivered from the emotionless expression he gave her then suddenly he smirked.

Summer quickly looked away tell Emma that they need to go,but to her suprise.

Emma was no where to be found.

Summer groaned and placed her hand on her hip.

"This bish." She mumbled under her breath

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