chapter 13

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"look who finally decides to come back." Alex said as soon as Summer walked in

Ignoring Alex, Summer headed to her bedroom to leave her school bag.

Once she came back downstairs, she was only greeted by Ms Black while her other so called siblings were gone.

She sat down on the stool then suddenly food was placed in front of her.

She looked up and saw Ms Black smiling at here.

"It's your dinner, I saved some for you." She said," and how was school."

Summer smiled and picked up a fork.

"It was good, made a few friends and all." She said

Ms Black smiled and said," I have to go talk to your father." Ms Black walked to her and ruffled Summer's hair," Gosh, it's good to have you back."

Summer smiled and looked down at her food.

It felt werid to her, how Ms Black was so different to her mother. Which she should stop considering as her mother since Ms Black is her real mother.

Insomnia, was what she had that night.

She kept on turning until she faced the ceiling.

She sighed and closed her eyes for the last time.

Hoping sleep could over take her but in the end it was for nothing.

She groaned and sat up, staring at her now dark room with no source of light.

She placed her hand under the willow and took out her phone.

She was used to placing her phone under her pillow because of her late mother.

Her late mother loved knowing what was going on in her life that meant everything she done was monitored by her.

She hated it but she knew better not to say it.

She turned on her phone and immediately closed her eyes. Forgetting about how bright her phone was.

She quickly turned the brightness low once her eyes were back open.

She went on to her Spotify and played one of her relaxing playlist.

Which was her only playlist, since she only listened to it when she couldn't sleep.

Like this night.

She wore her earphones and placed her phone to her chest, hoping the next day her phone wasn't buried under her.

She laid onto her bed and faced the ceiling.

Hoping the smoothing voices could help her sleep in peace and luckily she did.

"Morning sunshine!" Derek said once he saw his little sister eating breakfast

She greeted him back before continuing on eating.

"So, what about you hangout with me after school." Derek said," I can show you around."

"I can't." Summer said," I have something to do after school."

Derek stared at her suspiciously before nodding his head.

"Okay, I will respect that." He said before grabbing himself a slice of bread.

"Anyways, there's a party on Saturday for school reopening." Derek said while spreading jam onto his bread

"She's not going." Alex said as he walked in

"Don't listen to him. You coming with us." Ricky said as he walked in right after Alex

"Who's the oldest one here?" Alex asked while Derek rolled his eyes

"Actually, I am." Billy said as he stood up from the stool that he had been on since Summer woke up

Alex groaned and said," But she's not going."

"She can go as long as her brothers are there to protect her." Billy said

Alex sighed and looked at Summer.

"I swear if I see a boy all up in your business, this will be your last party." He said before drinking the milk out of the box

Making everyone look at him in disgust.

"You know, you aren't the only person who drinks that." Derek said in disgust and Alex rolled his eyes in response

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