chapter 4

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This is it... Mami.

I wonder if they live in a beach house or they are on vacation or something.

They must be enjoying their lives to forget all about me.

I sighed and stared at the crowd inside the airport. How was I going to find the person who was supposed to fetch me.

Jaden's mom mentioned that one of my brothers is going to fetch me but how should I know who he is.

I haven't seen him nor do I know his name.

I leaned onto the wall and sighed.

Suddenly my phone rang and I checked the caller ID.

Unknown it said.

It's probably one of those scams.

I turned off my phone and slide it back into my jean pocket.

Then it rang again.

Seems like this scammer won't stop until I answer.

I powered off my phone and sighed.

I waited there for hours, no probably minutes untill a very tall muscular, good looking guy walked up to me.

Once we made eye contact his expression soften.

"W-who are you?" I asked while looking around to check if there were still people around and I sighed in relief once I saw a few people present.

He suddenly looked sad for some reason then covered it up with a smile.

"I'm Billy, your brother." He said

"Brother?" I said not sounding so sure and he nodded in response

"I was calling you, why didn't you answer?" He said and I raised my eyebrows

Who is he to say that if I don't have his number.

"I don't have your number, how do you expect me to answer."I said, sounding a little annoyed

He sighed and slide his hands into his pockets.

"I don't have time for this." He said" Grab your things and follow me."

I rolled my eyes and he turned around, glaring at me and I scoffed.

"Watch your attitude." He said warningly

He turned around and walked away, making me rush things as I grabbed my luggage and followed him.

"Sit at the back." He said

"Why?"I asked

"Because it's my car and I said so." He said

I sighed and followed his orders.

Who am I to disobey. After all they could have put me in a orphanage but they chose not to.

I sat down and stared at the view from the car window as he began to drive.

I knew it.

They already hate me before I could give them a reason to.

What if they are like those abusive parents.

My hands trembled as I thought about it.

"Summer." He called me and I looked at him"why don't you tell me about yourself."

I sighed and turned back to the window.

"There's nothing interesting about me." I said, cutting the conversation sort.

"I'm sure there is." He said

"I'm 16 and my parents died." I said while closing my eyes for a second as I thought about them.

Even though they didn't do they parenting well, they still treated me like the daughter their never had.

He suddenly stopped asking questions after I said that.

Did I say something wrong?

The car stopped in front of a beach house that almost looked like a mansion and I stared at it in awe.

"This is our vacation beach house." He said

Why are they on a vacation?

It's still a school semester and they are on a holiday.

He unlocked the car and I got out, grabbing my luggage and standing in front of the door, waiting for him to open.

He stared at me and sighed before opening the door.

"Everyone is out so you can look around before they come." He said

I ignored him and walked to wherever my feet took me.

Wow, they don't seem to be happy that I'm here.

They can just end their suffering and send me to an orphanage. Can't even be here to welcome me.

"I can't believe school is starting early." A voice said while opening the front door

I turned to the voice and saw a boy talking onto the phone. He looked younger than what was his name again...B something.

The boy turned to me and smiled.

"Talk to you later." He said to the phone

He hanged up and said"I have been dying to see you."

I gave him a shy smile.

"Oh I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Derek." He said

"I'm Summer."I said

He sat on the couch in front of me and smiled which was creeping me out.

"Has anyone treated you well?" He asked

"I didn't meet everyone."I said

"Oh, I thought they were here already." He said and I shrugged my shoulders"anyways,how do you like it so far?"

I stared blankly at him and said"I don't know but I do miss home."

He frowned and said"Don't worry, everyone misses home at some point."

I looked down and nodded.

"Come on let me show you around." He said and I looked up

"I already checked around."I said

"No, I mean the area." He said

I looked around and asked" Are you sure?"

"I was told to wait for everyone."I said

He sighed and said" Just come, they won't bother to do anything."

"Okay."I said

Checking the area won't hurt anyone so why not.

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