chapter 15

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Walking down the school stairs, she felt herself slip but luckily someone had caught her.

"Thanks Alex." She said while looking at him then behind her to see no one

"Next time watch where you're going and there shouldn't be a next time." He said angrily

He fixed her collar and said," Can't even wear your school uniform properly."

She sighed and looked down.

Of all brothers I have, it had to be him.

" And get back to class. Don't want to be caught skipping class." He said

She raised her eyebrows and asked," Then what about you?"

He scoffed and said," That's none of your business so hurry up and scram."

She rolled her eyes and walked away before she could hear him complain about respecting him.

"When I say ice-cream you say scream." Scarlett said

"What is this, the lyrics." Emily asked in disgust

Scarlett rolled her eyes and said," It's a warm up, dumbass."

Emily scoffed and said," Like you would know what a warm up is."

"Okay, what are we doing today?" Summer asked before the two began to fight

"I'm planning on writing some songs and I want to see if they will match your voice." Scarlett said

"And I'm here to sit and watch." Emily said while scrolling through her phone

"By the way, there's this party on Saturday. You guys wanna come?" She asked the two

"I heard about that." Scarlett said," so since you going then it might not be bad right Emily?"

"Yeah." Emily agreed

Summer smiled at the thought of Alex's face when he finds out her friends are coming too and his the one driving.

At this point she thought if she could get at least a bit close to Alex, she should play the same game his playing and see who plays it better.

"What do you even do there?" Alex asked

"Why do you want to know?" Summer asked," it's not like you care."

"Yeah,I don't." He agreed," but who knows what's going on there." He said while staring at her in judgemental

She rolled her eyes and said," The only person who's suspicious is you."

"How?" He asked

"What were you doing outside at night?" She asked

" Hanging out with my friends and why do I have to tell you?" He asked coldly

She put her hands up surrendering.

" Summer, Miche is looking for you!" Ricky yelled from the living room

"Looks like someone is in trouble." Alex said

She ignored him and went to the living room,to see her older brother all dressed up.

"Get ready, we going to meet our cousins." He said, catching her off guard

"Cousins?" She asked

"No one told you?" Miche asked and she nodded her head

Miche sighed and called Derek.

"I thought I told you to tell her about our cousins?" He asked

Derek smiled and scratched the back of his neck.

"Summer today we're going to have dinner at our cousins because they want to meet you." Derek told Summer and everyone except Summer and Miche snickered at him, knowing what was going to happen to him after the dinner

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