Chapter 17

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*Louise's POV*
{Its A Monday Btw}

I woke up with Cams arms wrapped tightly around me. I felt so safe in his arms. His eyes flickered open then he smiled at me. "Morning Princess, You okay?" He asked then kissed my head "Good morning baby, and I'm fine, you?" I replied "I'm fine as long as you're fine princess." I smiled at that. "I'm gonna get in the shower." I said getting up and out of his grip.

I walked over to my case, picked out an outfit, my towel and my makeup bag then walked into the bathroom and jumped in the shower after locking the door and getting undressed. I shaved and all that then got out and got dressed. I brushed my hair then put it in a side fishtail braid. I did my makeup then walked out.

I walked over to my case and put my things back into my case. I heard my phone ding signalling that I had a text. I grabbed my phone off my charger and read my text;

Mummy👑~Hello darling, are you free to talk, I have some news xx

Me💫~Hey Mum😘 Yeah sure, call me now xx

My phone started ringing so I answered it.
*Phone Call* (M-Mum L-Louise)

M-Good Afternoon baby, how are you?

L-Good Afternoon mum, I'm good, what bout you?

M-Yeah, I'm okay I guess. Anyway I wanted to tell you something...

L-Yeah, go ahead...

M-Okay well just don't get upset or scared or anything...

L-Mum, just tell getting annoyed now.

M-Well, dad found out that he has cancer. And he has two months...

L-What...please tell me you're lying, I can't deal with this mum...please tell me you're lying! *crying*

M-Baby, I'm sorry! I'm not lying, I promise, it's all true😭

L-Mum, I'm coming home!

M-No, don't come home, at least wait a month or something.

L-No, I'm booking a flight for tomorrow morning okay?!

M-A week, please! Just have a bit of fun baby.

L-How the fuck do you expect me to have fun when I just found out that my dad is going to die in about three months.

M-Okay, I'm sorry...just come in a week.

L-5 days! That's it!

M-Okay, I love you baby. I have to go now though. Bye!

L-Okay bye, I love you too mum.

*End Phone Call*

I ran into the bathroom and locked the door, I can't loose him, not now, not ever! I looked through my bag of bathroom essentials and grabbed my razor. I broke it and grabbed a blade out of it. I put it against my skin and sliced my wrist. Twice. I looked down at my wrist and saw the blood. I walked to the sink and washed it off.

"Louise! Open the door! Right now!" Ellie shouted banging on the bathroom door. I sat down on the floor and just cried. The door unlocked and there stood Ellie and Jodie...they must have picked the lock. "Give me your wrists..." Jodie said getting upset. "No, why? I didn't do anything?" I said standing up. "Louise...If you didn't do anything then why is there a blade here?" Jodie asked.

Ellie grabbed my wrist and showed Jodie before I was able to pull it back. "Don't shout at me..." I said crying even more and sitting back down. "We're not." they said calmly sitting next to me. "I'm going back home on Friday, but like to England..." Jodie nodded. "Your mum text me after she called you." She said hugging me. "And we're coming with you babe." I nodded "Lets go book the tickets." Ellie suggested.

We all walked out of the bathroom. All the boys were in there as well. "Hi..." I said quietly. They all said hey or hello or whatever back. I walked over to my case and started packing it neatly. "Louise, what are you doing?" Cameron asked, all the boys had now gone and it was just me and Cam. "I'm going to England for a bit." I said still packing. "Wait, why babe? Don't leave me..." He said. I stopped packing and looked at him. "I just found out that my dad has cancer...he has three months." I said crying again.

Cameron indulged me in a massive bear hug. "I love you baby, and I'm always here for you!" He reminded me "Yeah I know babe and I love you so much."

Sorry this is so short and shit😭😭I just really wanted to update today for you guys and if you're lucky I might update throughout the week💖
If you do cut or have lost anyone close to you then feel free message me on direct message or something. Anyway. I love you guys so much.

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