Chapter 22

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*Louise's POV*
~5 Months Later~

"Wow, you're getting really big now." Nash commented as I walked downstairs. "Well, I am about 6 months pregnant." I laughed. "Morning Gorgeous." Cam said as he slipped his arms round my waist. He leaned his hands on my bump and his head on my shoulder.

"Morning Babe." I smiled turning round so I was now facing him. He pecked my lips then sat down on the sofa. I sat down with him as he turned on the TV. "I'm gonna go get McDonald's breakfast with Zoe, do you want me to grab you guys something?" Nash asked.

"Mhm, can you get me a double cheese burger, large chips, caramel mcflurry and a large oasis." I asked handing him some money. "Okay," he said a bit unsure. "Sorry, that I'm pregnant and I need to feed two people." I told him and both of them laughed. Nash walked out with his keys and went next door to get Zoe.

"Wanna go out for dinner tonight?" Cameron asked me. "Yeah sure, we haven't gone to dinner a while and I love going to eat so why not." I laughed a bit and Cam joined in but stopped when there was a knock at the door. Cam got up and opened the door. "Shawn? You okay man? Come in." Cameron told Shawn

"Shawn? Why do you look like you've been crying?" I asked patting the stop the space on the couch next to me, hinting for him to sit down. "Ellie, she cheated on me." he said and my eyes went wide. "What the actual fuck?" I said getting. "What are you doing?" He asked me and I ignored him storming out the apartment and walking into the girls apartment. All my stuff is still there I just mostly sleep at Cam's.

"ELLIE WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" I shouted once I walked into the apartment. She walked into the main room and gave me a confused look. "WHY DID YOU CHEAT ON SHAWN?" I shouted/asked. "What are you talking about?" She asked 'innocently'


She came back out with her back all packed a while later. Cam was standing at the door with Shawn. I hinted for them to move and they sat down on the couch. "Have fun with your devil baby." she smirked.

*Cameron's POV*

She came back out with her back all packed a while later. I was standing at the door with Shawn. Louise hinted at us to move and we sat down on the couch. "Have fun with your devil baby." she smirked at Louise. THATS IT!

I stood up and walked over to her "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?" I asked getting angry. "I said. Have fun with your devil baby." she confidently repeated. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU ABSOLUTE BITCH, NO ONE HERE EVEN LIKES YOU HOE!" I shouted at her then shoved her out the door.

She looked at me with her jaw pretty much on the floor. "Fuck Off!" Jodie shouted and she ran away with her suitcase. We heard a crash and Jodie walked out and look down the stairwell. "She fell down the stairs omg" she laughed walking back into the apartment.


"Cameron, can we talk quick." Louise said and a flood of worry washed over me. "Sure," I replied fake smiling sitting on the couch with her. "I think we need to," I cut her off. "What? No! I don't want to break up." I said quickly and she started laughing. "wait, why are you laughing?" I asked her.

"I wasn't going to break up with you, dumbass." she laughed and I felt stupid. "I love you and that's why I was gonna suggest that we get an apartment together, so that when the baby comes we don't annoy the others by having to get up in the middle of the night etc." she ended and I smiled really widely.

"I thought you were actually gonna break up with me." I put my head down. "but, yeah, I think we should get an apartment." I smiled at her and hugged her really tight. "I love you so much Louise." I said pulling out of the hug and kissing her. "I love you so much Cameron."

"What's the time?" I asked her, she pulled out her phone. "1am." she told me. "Wanna go to bed now?" I asked and she nodded. I grabbed her hand and we walked upstairs.

*Louise's POV*

I walked into the bathroom and washed my face, then got changed. I walked back out to see Cam already in bed. I climbed in next to him and we cuddled before drifting to sleep.

~Middle Of The Night~

I woke up and picked up my phone. 4:07am. The time read. I got up cause I need to pee. I went to pee then came back and was about to get back in bed but I realised there was blood on the sheets. My heart sunk to my feet as I stood there. "Cameron" I whispered barley loud enough for me to hear.

I started crying. I walked over to Cams side of the bed and shook him till he woke up. "What's wrong baby?" He asked as his eyes fluttered open. "We need to go to the hospital." I cried and he looked at me confused. I nodded my head in the direction of my side of the bed and his eyes widened. "Babe, you need to stay calm" he told me and I nodded.

He got up and chucked on a shirt. Cam grabbed his phone and keys whilst he slipped on his shoes. Nash walked in and gave us a confused look. "We're going to the hospital." Cam told him. He nodded then spoke. "Want me to drive and you two can sit in the back?" He asked and Cam nodded "Thanks man." he said.

I slipped my shoes on, still crying. I grabbed my phone and Cam walked me downstairs.

We got into Nashs car and Cam sat behind the passenger whilst I layed my head on his lap and my legs on the other seats. The whole car ride Cameron was playing with my hair and whispering "it'll be okay" or "everything's alright" etc.

We got to the hospital and Cam helped me out the car. Nash went to park the car whilst me and Cameron went in.

We got up to the front desk and I hinted for Cam to speak, he took the hint and began to speak. "My girlfriend, Louise, is 5 months pregnant, she woke up about 15 minutes ago and realised she is bleeding..."

"Okay," she grabbed the phone on the front desk and started talking into it. Soon a few nurses came with a wheelchair. "Louise is it?" She asked me and I nodded. "Can you take a seat in the wheelchair please, were gonna do some tests." I sat down in the wheelchair.

"Cameron, come with me." I pleaded grabbing his hand. "of course baby." he said back, coming closer towards me.

I held Cameron's big, soft hands in mine and instantly felt more calm. There's this way that he makes me feel, no one else can make me feel it and when he's speaking to me it feels like it's only us two in the whole entire world. I'm so happy to have him in my life. {so cheesy omds sorry😁}

After a few tests to check if the baby is alright or even still here we were told to go and wait in this office. A doctor walked in with a clipboard and sat down on the other side of the desk to us. "Louise, and I'm guessing your boyfriend?" He asked and I nodded.

"Okay, well I'm here to inform you that..."


Haiiii💞 sorry about not updating in a while but I bought some drama into this chapter and I hope you like it☺️

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