Chapter 21

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*Louise's POV*

When I woke up me and Cameron were still in the same place we fell asleep in. I picked up my phone and unlocked it looking at the time. 12pm. "Cameron, Wake up babe." I said near his ear, so he could hear me.

"What's the time?" He said as his eyes fluttered open "12" I said getting up. Cam jumped up and ran into the bathroom. "Our plane leaves at half one!" He shouted through the door. "Shit!" I said as he came out the bathroom.

I went into my closet and grabbed my grey joggers chucking them on, I pulled on some socks and my white air forces then walked out grabbing my suitcase that I packed yesterday.

I grabbed my case and walked downstairs with it. "Babe, I would have carried that for you!" Cam said walking downstairs with his case. "It's okay babe." I ran upstairs and grabbed mine and Cams toothbrushes and phones/chargers and chucked them in a bag then walked back downstairs with the bag. I wear a jumper to bed so I didn't need a shirt.

"I'm gonna be sick." I stated before running to the bathroom and throwing up. Cam came up behind me and held my hair. "Thank you baby." I said once I had finished being sick. I got some toilet roll and wiped my mouth before chucking it in the toilet and flushing it.

I walked back out the bathroom grabbing my case and walking towards the door. Cam grabbed his case and unlocked the door opening it. I walked out the apartment and to my apartment next door. I opened the door and shouted "Bye guys, see you next week." then closed the door, walking toward the elevator.

We got into Cams car and he started driving to the airport. we got there at one so we had half an hour to get through baggage and security and all the other stuff.

We sat down on a bench waiting for our flight to be called. "I'm hungry." I told Cameron and he looked my way. "Hi Hungry." he replied causing us both to laugh. "We can get chips on the plane, if you want?" He suggested and I smiled, nodding.

"Flight 376 from LA to London now boarding from tunnel 15." the intercom spoke out. We stood up grabbing our carry on bags and walked to Tunnel 15, boarding our flight.

We got onto the plane and the about 5 minutes later we set off. The plane hostess girl came over, "Would you like any food, sir?" She asked eyeing up Cam. "Erm," he turned to me then back to her. "Just some chips for my Girlfriend please." she gave me a dirty look then smiled "Sure, no problem." she replied sarcastically. I just rolled my eyes.

She came back with my chips and kinda just dropped them on the table infront Cam. I looked over at her and I was getting pissed at her now. "Bye babe." she winked at Cam as she walked away. THATS IT BITCH!

I got out my seat and tried to walk towards her but Cam grabbed my waist pulling me onto his lap. "She's not worth it, and your better than her anyway." he said looking into my eyes. "She can't just flirt with you like that though, you have a girlfriend." I said gritting my teeth.

"Yeah, I do, She's amazing, incredible and so gorgeous and I love her with all my heart." he said looking at me staring into my eyes. "And you know what else?" He started "She's mine." he smiled, "Who the fuck are you talking bout?" I laughed breaking the 'moment' that we just said. "My girlfriend that lives in Australia." Cam joked.

"I'm joking, I'm joking, you're my only girlfriend." he laughed lightly. "Good, cause I don't want to share you." I smiled hugging him. "I love you."

~Skip To Telling Parents~

"Mum, Dad, I need to talk to you..." I looked at Cam then back at my parents. "I'm...I'm-I'm pregnant." I said and looked down hoping they wouldn't get mad. I was always the good kid in school, I never got told off and I never got detentions and even tho I'm an adult{18} I still think I'm quite young.

"Oh my god honey, congratulations! I'm gonna be a grandma!" My mum said as she stood up and hugged me tight. "Wow...two bits of good news in one day." My dad said and I gave him a confused look.

"Oh yeah, well...I went in for an operation and I don't have cancer anymore." I smiled so widely and started to cry. I ran over to him and hugged him the tightest I've ever hugged anyone before. No one or nothing could ruin this moment.

"I love you so much dad and I'm honestly the happiest I've ever been. I'm so glad that you're gonna be here for the birth of your first grandchild." I smiled at him then sat down. Im so glad that my dad will live. I couldn't deal with another loss.


Me and Cam were back at the hotel because we didn't wanna stay at my parents because I didn't wanna be in their space.

"Cameron, I need to tell you something important." I started. He came over with a confused but kinda worried look on his face. "Its not you, I promise." I said and he eased up, he was still confused though.

"I have a sister, well I had a sister. When I was 7 and she was 10, Me, my mum and her were driving back from McDonalds because our dad was out at the pub and we were hungry. Anyway, we were driving when my mum realised she went the wrong way so she turned around, she couldn't make the turn in one hit so she had to back up and then go round again. There was a big, white van. It didn't stop. My mum was half way turning when the Van hit the passenger side, the side my sister was on...she was in the front and I was behind the driver seat."


"Mummy, why isn't he stopping?" Vanessa asked, scared, looking out the window at this big white van that was coming towards us. "I don't know sweetie, it's gonna be fine don't worry baby." she reassured her. "Mummy, he's not slowing down." she panicked. "I love you both, never forget that."

Everything went black.

The next thing I knew I woke up in a white hospital room with a beeping machine next to me. A doctor walked in and spoke. "Great, you're awake, your mum is fine and is outside, I'll go get her for you." he said then walked out. My door opened again and my mum walked in.

"Hello, my darling." she smiled sitting next to me. "Mummy, where's Vanessa?" I asked looking at her. "Louise, she's not here anymore, she died." she told me letting a few tears slip. I broke down. I felt my whole world crash down infront of me.

^End Of Flashback^

By now I was crying, "After that, i never knew what to do with myself, she was my rock. I always used to tell her everything...and now I can't tell her anything. It's her birthday in a couple days and I want to go visit her grave, you don't have to come if you don't want to." I said. Cam hugged my tight.

"Babe, why didn't you tell me before now? And of course I'll come to visit her with you." He said still hugging me. "There's one other thing..." he nodded and pulled out of hugging me. "My dad, is my step dad." I started. "My real dad, used to abuse us all. When I was 7 my mum finally grew courage and kicked him out..." i told him.

"Oh my gosh! Baby, I'm so sorry. I don't know how anyone could hurt such a gorgeous girl." I gave him a small smile. "I love you Cameron. I'm so happy that I found you." I said. "I had one of the worst childhoods but now I'm having the best adulthood so far." I smiled at Cam.

"Why don't you tell people that you have a sister and that your dads actually your step dad?" He asked. "Because I don't want to tell people that she died, and I don't wanna tell people that my dad abused me then my mum kicked him out...its just easier not to tell people." I told him and he nodded.

Hiya so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated in like a month😩 anyway, I'm gonna stop this book soon, maybe at 30 chapters or something?🙊 I'm gonna try and update more frequently as well💕also I'm thinking about deleting 'Johnson's Little Sister' because I don't think it's that good but I'm starting a new book after this one ends waiting😏💗 Ily all


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