Lost in Transition

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This is a sequel to "Gauri Kumari Sharma : A Woman of Persistence"

Gauri walked into the room after an exhausting day. Svetlana's question still ranged in her mind. But she chose to avoid it. No, it was her duty. As a daughter-in-law, as a wife. Wife! That brought a sad smile on her lips. Her mind wandered back to a beautiful memory.

It was a day full of saddening incidents. Shivaay and Anika had left the previous day and the house has lost its charm. It was pretty late at night and Omkara was talking with Tej. Gauri was in the room preparing the bed. 

She knew Omkara would come back angry and was mentally prepared to console him. The door was suddenly opened and shut which broke Gauri's chain of thoughts. A dejected Omkara entered and Gauri looked at him worried. "Omkaraji?" she called out and he looked at her. She sat beside him and he hugged her tightly.

"I'm failing him Gauri. I'm failing as a brother" he said and Gauri kept muttering that it was okay. He looked up from the hug and slowly looked into her eyes. He saw nothing but love. Love for him. The emotions did their work as his lips slowly advanced towards hers.

Gauri closed her eyes the moment their lips met. Passion took over as he slowly roamed his hands through her luscious hair. The lights soon went off as the night witnessed the unplanned union.

Gauri's thoughts came to a halt as Omkara turned in his sleep. It's been three weeks but still she was not over it. She smiled at him and closed her eyes in an attempt to catch some sleep. But each time she closes them, his promises flashes which stabs her heart.

Their togetherness now seemed like an unachievable dream to her. She drew in a sharp breathe and once again closed her eyes, preparing herself for the next day.

Morning soon approached and Gauri was ready for the day. She worshiped her lord, gave medicines to Dadi, and was going to the kitchen when she heard someone calling her.

"Bhabhi" she stopped and turned to look at the only family member who seemed to notice that she too was a human.

"Rudy Bhaiyya" she said with a smile and approached him. He returned a bright one but it dimmed as he noticed her exhaustion. "You should rest Bhabhi" he said concerned. "I'm fine Rudy Bhaiyya. I'm used to it" she whispered the last words.

"Bhabhi, if you ever feel the need for help, remember that you have a brother. I'll always be there for you Bhabhi" he said and tears welled up in Gauri's eyes. "I know" she said with a smile and walked to the kitchen while Rudra stood there sighing at the situation.

Far yet not too far, stood Svetlana, listening to their conversation. A mere exchange of words with a thousand hidden meanings. Though she'd always considered the youngest Obro harmless, she knew he was the wisest. He had the capability to analyze situations which both his brothers somewhere lacked.

The only reason she liked this Obro was his behaviour towards Gauri. Something appreciable. He was the only one to look out for her. He himself was a reflection of Gauri. Sad inside but cheerful outside. Svetlana walked back to distract her mind from the mess.

Gauri was in the kitchen when she heard rushed footsteps. Before she could turn, someone embraced her from behind. "Omkaraji" she had realized his touch immediately. Omkara smiled as he inhaled the scent of her hair.

Gauri, on the other hand, felt anger boiling up inside her. This was not fine. He cannot always take things for granted. But, wasn't it her duty? To find happiness in his happiness and to grieve in his sorrows?

"I'm so happy Gauri. Shivaay and Anika Bhabhi are coming back" he said to which her eyes twinkled with happiness. She was indeed happy that they were coming back. "Gauri, everything has to be perfect. The light of this house is coming back. I know you'll do everything perfectly. I'm just too excited"  he said and left as his phone rang.

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