Simply Yours(OS) : RiKara ft ShiVika

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Staffs rushed here and there inside the skyscraper of Mumbai, Oberoi industries. As always, 8am was a rush hour for them with a bit of extra work from the previous day.

Minutes later, a car stopped in front of the building, and to the shock and surprise of everyone, instead of Shivaay Singh Oberoi, came his younger brother, earning a pretty good amount of sighs and stares from the female employees.

Omkara greeted everyone with a smile before entering Shivaay's cabin. His smile dropped the moment he entered as a heavy sigh escaped his lips.

"Khanna, make sure Shivaay eats on time." He instructed their trusted man in the phone before diving into work. Few seconds later, he leans back and rub his temples as he thought of Shivaay.

Ever since his girlfriend broke up with him, Shivaay had been like this. He over worked, skipped his meals, even skipped sleep for long. The previous day, Omkara had found him all drunk in his room. Never in his wildest dreams, Omkara thought that he would see his brother like that.

"Sir?" Omkara's thoughts broke when Shivaay's PA called him and he sat straight. "What happened?" He asks and Abhay forwarded him a document. "What the hell!" He exclaims as he studied the details of the document and frowned at Abhay.

"Who the hell is this Gauri Trivedi? And how did she suddenly become the owner of 50% of our shares?" He asks outraged making Abhay gulp in fear. "Sir, Trivedis are our long time business rivals. Few months back, they made an effort for a merger. But Shivaay Sir denied it pointing out to some loopholes in the documents. I don't know further Sir." He says and Omkara chuckles in sarcasm.

"How does that make them the owners of our shares?" He asks and threw the file on the table. "Sir, Ms. Trivedi is here." Abhay says fearfully as he saw Omkara's frown deepening.

"Ask her to come inside" Abhay nods and walks out while Omkara stood there awaiting his 'guest'.


Gauri looked around the guest room with a smirk watching the photographs of Oberoi brothers. She had been waiting for the perfect moment to execute her plan.

The eldest O-bro, she hated the very existence of that man. He was cunning, cruel and everything she despised.

She was going to destroy them all. She would make them pay for his mistake.


Omkara turned as he heard the sound of heels echo in the cabin. For a moment, he was caught off guard by the petite woman walking towards him with a smirk.

She stopped a few steps away from him and settled herself on the couch before looking at him. "You may take a seat." His brow arched at her statement as he sat opposite.

"Where is Mr. Oberoi?"

"I'm Mr. Oberoi."

"I mean, Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi?"

Omkara looked away before coming up with a suitable lie. Gauri didn't miss the uncomfortable feeling that occupied his demeanor suddenly.

"He's home because of some health issues. I'm his brother"

"So, how are-"

"Cut the crap Ms. Trivedi! How the hell did you become the owner of 50% of our shares?" Omkara couldn't hold back the exasperation seeing her nonchalant expression.

Gauri softly chuckled at him and looked around. Seeing the document on the table in front of her, she smiles at him. "You may check the document. It's signed by Mr. Oberoi." Omkara frowned at her words before skimming through the papers.

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