Moments of Love (OS)

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I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly, and then all at once.

-The Fault In Our Stars 

Omkara walks into his room with a yawn. It was a tiring day. After all, taking care of a pregnant woman was not child's play.

He sighs at that thought. Gauri Sharma was everything he despised yet she was going to be the mother of his child.

It was the first news that reached him after he woke up from the three month long comatose. He shrugs his thoughts away and walks to the bed but stops as his eyes caught something.

Gauri resting on the green recliner with one hand wrapped around her belly. Involuntarily, a smile spread on his lips.

His staring session halted when she turned around. He stood there, switching his eyes between his bed and the recliner.

He couldn't sleep on the bed with her struggling on the recliner; he cared for his child. And if he lifted Gauri to the bed, then her sleep would be disturbed.

He heavily exhales and sits down on the floor, beside the recliner. He stares at her as her soft breaths rang in his ears. For a moment, all the hatred stepped aside and he was tempted to touch her, lay beside her, kiss her... He controls his thoughts from going further and closes his eyes mentally groaning about the sprained neck he was going to get tomorrow.


Omkara carefully opens the first aid kit trying not to wake up Gauri. He had lied the whole day about his neck pain and now he couldn't move his neck an inch.

He applies it and turns, resolving to sleep on the bed. But then, luck was not on his side. As soon as his eyes caught the sight of Gauri shivering, his mind had slowly given way to his heart.

He covers her with the blanket and was about to withdraw his hand when she held onto him. He momentarily freezes and stares at his hand clasped in hers.

Sighing, he sits beside her and slowly reclines backward. She turned lessening the distance between them. Her breathe fanned his hand with her lips slightly brushing against his knuckles.

His gaze prolongs on her face but his brows furrow when a strand of her hair fell on her face, blocking his view. He lightly blows and tries to move it away but stops when her face showed an expression of disturbance.

Gently, he raises his hand and moves the fringe away and smiles seeing her face. She looked so calm. And the fact that his baby was growing inside her made it even more beautiful.

But suddenly, everything comes back. Her going to marry Kali Thakur, betrayal by Chulbul; a gush of anger flickered in his eyes.

Still, from a corner of his heart, he could hear a faint whisper telling him that he was wrong. And once again, Omkara Singh Oberoi lost to his heart.


After taking the laundry downstairs, Omkara walks into the room stretching. Each day was tiring. He walks straight towards the recliner and an amused smile appears on his lips. 

Gauri and books weren't a thing. And here she was sleeping with a book in her hand. He shakes his head and slowly pulls out the book from her grip but it falls down.

He immediately picks it up and checks on Gauri and moves to keep the book on the table but stops as he sees something scribbled over the cover.

Gauri Kumari Sharma was written in black ink. He opens it and sees the first page dated. He sighs and keeps it down as he realizes that it was her personal diary. 

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