Wish (OS)

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"Bade bhaiya"

Shivaay has never been so scared to hear that. He stood where he was, pretending not to hear her, as he skimmed through some documents.

"Bade bhaiya.."

This time, Shivaay couldn't deny it. There was a certain pleading in her voice. He turned to face her after putting up a smile on his face.

"Yes Gauri? What happened? Do you need something?" He asked and she nodded in a no. She was carrying and was supposed to be resting.

"Where is Om?"

Shivaay inhaled a sharp breathe as he heard that. He was dreading this question. He couldn't answer her. This question wasn't supposed to pop up. Not for another three days.

"I told you Gauri. He has some work-"

"What work is more important than Dadi's birthday?" His explanation was cut midway and he sighed. It hurt him to lie to the innocent woman in front of him. But as his brother said, it was for the best.

"He'll be here before Saturday. He won't be missing it." He replied in a crisp tone. Gauri's face fell as she nodded and turned to leave.

Shivaay felt bad seeing that. One, he lied to his little sister and now, she was upset. He had to fix it.

"Well, I was thinking if we could talk for a while. It's been so long.." his words made her halt on her steps. With a smile, she looked at him and he smiled back.


"..and then we sold that puppy."

Gauri chuckled as she heard the long story of Shivaay's allergy for dogs. "Rudra still doesn't know that we sold his dog" that made her burst out laughing.

Shivaay smiled as he watched her laugh. He had always wished for a younger sister. Priyanka was more close to Omkara. But Gauri, from the very first day, had caught his attention.

She was perfect for his brother. It was hard at first for him to believe that Omkara had a wife. He had lashed out at him for keeping her as a secret and making her work as a maid in their house.

"I couldn't let her get involved in this mess Shivaay.. she doesn't deserve that."

That was his explanation. Well, things were different after he found out. Gauri was introduced to the family as Omkara's wife and she was warmly welcomed by their grandmother and Omkara's mother.

Soon, everyone had warmed up to her charm. It was hard not to. She would take care of the smallest things. She made sure everyone ate breakfast together, and surprisingly, no one dared to break her rule.

"What are you thinking?" Shivaay's chain of thoughts were broken by her question. He shook his head with a light smile as he patted her hair.

"Anika was looking for you in the morning." Shivaay said as he suddenly remembered his wife's complaint of not getting to pamper Gauri.

"She's my first child Shivaay. I don't get time to spend with her."

Aaryan was slightly pissed that his Choti Ma got more attention than him from his mother. Well, that wasn't a new thing. But at the end of the day, Gauri was his favourite.

"She'd be flying from office to reach home. She's taken a week off." Gauri's face brightened as she heard. She has always been close to Anika. She got a motherly affection from her which she's always craved for.

"She'd be reaching soon right? Let me freshen up before that." She said and slowly stood up to walk while Shivaay carefully watched her each step.

He was sure his heart was beating a mile per minute until she safely got inside the house from the garden. He sighed in relief as he saw his grandmother accompanying her to the room.

His face slowly turned serious as he took out his phone and typed into it.

"Where are you Om?"


Later that night, he walked into his room to find his wife lying down beside Gauri, stroking her hair. Gauri was fast asleep while Anika looked lost in thoughts.

"So I sleep with Aaryan I guess?"

Anika slightly jerked as she heard him. She smiled lightly as she made sure Gauri wasn't disturbed.

"What happened Anika?" Shivaay inquired as he held her hurt. He hated to see his wife worried. "I'm worried Shivaay. Gauri's reports from last time weren't so good."

"Well, the doctor said that it was fine right. And if you worry like this, then Om is going to get high on anxiety. He's already anxious." Shivaay said to which she nodded with a sigh.

"Gauri reminds me of.."


Shivaay completed her sentence. She went silent for a second before speaking again. "I don't know why. But her certain actions, habits, it's all the same. And sometimes I feel that she looks like my mother." Shivaay squeezed Anika's hand as he saw that her eyes were turning misty.

They sat in complete silence as he rubbed her hand to soothe her. A while later, he stood up and placed a kiss on her forehead.
"I'm going to Aaryan's room. Good night, and Anika, don't worry. Everything will be fine."

He said and walked away masking his own worry. Gauri's pregnancy was an anxiety factor for everyone. The doctor had stated in the beginning that they had to take extra care of her considering that she wasn't healthy enough.

Shivaay slipped inside the blanket beside his son and was about to sleep when his phone buzzed with a message. It was from Omkara.

"Shivaay, I just got the reports. You were right. Gauri is Chutki!"

Shivaay's eyes glistened with tears as he read the message over and over to make sure he wasn't dreaming. He finally found Anika's sister.

But more than that, he had fulfilled a wish. A wish his little sister had made to the moon in front of him.

"Hey, seems like we both are lonely. You atleast have the stars to surround you. What about me? Can you take me to Jiji?"

Hey all! This is just a drabble and isn't much. I hope it didn't bore you guys.

Do tell me your views.

Thank you.

Stay safe. Be happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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