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Logan got out of the cab, not at all surprised that Charles's car was parked in the garage this time. He walked towards the house and tried to ignore his cell phone, which had been ringing for the past twenty minutes. Annoyed, he finally took it out of his pocket, turned it off, and entered the house. He didn't have to look for Charles. Logan knew that he would find his hated stepfather in his office. Indeed, Charles was sitting at his desk and - well, actually he was sitting in his desk chair, which was turned so that the back of the chair was facing the door. And if Logan hadn't been so angry, he might have noticed with amusement that this bizarre situation reminded him of a scene from an old mafia movie.

But the fact that Charles didn't look at him at all sparked a new wave of anger in Logan. He slammed the door and yelled, "You bastard! She could have died!"

Charles still didn't turn to face him, but he laughed maliciously. "And whose fault would that be?"

Logan wanted to reply, but Charles didn't give him the opportunity.

"Of course it would have been your fault. As always. I mean, did you really think that I didn't know that you guys were meeting in secret?"

"You ... you had us followed?" Logan asked in disbelief.

"Of course. As if I would ever trust you. And you obviously don't trust me either. Don't you remember? We had a deal. But you broke that deal. So apparently your little girlfriend's life is worthless to you. If you had kept our agreement, nothing would have happened to her at all. So everything that has happened to her and may happen to her in the future is, as usual, your fault."

"Shut up!" Logan yelled again, but this time there was also a hint of desperation in his voice.

He hated it. He hated the way Charles managed to attack him verbally and psychologically, that he knew Logan's darkest thoughts and used them against him. In truth, Logan had thought about it over and over again. Had doubts, was worried about Camille. Had considered whether he should actually dare to see Camile any longer, although he knew that he would put her in great danger. But it was too late now and a part of him just couldn't help but feel guilty - and Charles knew it. Even more, he enjoyed it. "And the best thing is that you have absolutely no solid evidence against me. No matter what you try, in the end it will be your word against mine."

"If you feel so superior to me, why don't you look me in the face?" Logan asked with a trembling voice and clenched fists. Charles didn't react what made Logan lose his temper, "Turn around you fucking asshole and look me in the face!"

"What if I don't?" Charles replied in a dangerously low voice.

"Then I'll kill you," Logan whispered.

"I don't think so," Charles said and slowly turned the desk chair around. First Logan's gaze fell on the evil smiling face, but then he took a few steps back in horror when he saw the gun in Charles's hands…

Kelly Wainwright was sitting on her couch, waiting for her husband Dave to come home. He worked for a sports center and coached children's and youth teams in basketball, baseball, and soccer. Whenever a new child came into one of the teams, it was a little afraid of the tall, black man, but the first impression was wrong. Dave Wainwright was kindness itself and his heart was just as big as he was. They hadn't been married very long, but had known each other for many years. Kelly should be overjoyed with her life, but there was one thing in her life that was missing. A child.

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