Two Broken Hearts

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Some of Camille's classmates were actually quite relieved that they could go back to school regularly, but most of the students were disappointed. But that was nothing compared to Camille's disappointment when she entered the classroom that Monday morning and found that Logan wasn't there. The chair next to Kendall was empty. Camille sat down next to her friends and checked her phone. But no calls or text messages were received. Was she really so wrong about Logan? He had promised it. Or had all this really been just a game for him? Had he taken advantage of her? Camille couldn't believe it. But the facts spoke for themselves. When the door opened, hope returned for a brief moment, but it disappeared as quickly as it had come. It was just Miss Collins. She greeted the students cheerfully and then began to check the attendance. When she reached Logan's name, Camille clearly saw disappointment in her face as well. Miss Collins looked over at Kendall, James, and Carlos. "Where is Logan?"

The three shrugged in sync. Someone in the class was laughing, and when Camille turned around, she realized it was Jett. Who else should it be?

"Who is surprised by this? I bet he got drunk again at the weekend and forgot that he had to come back to school today. Camille probably did all the work on her own anyway while he was having fun. Am I right?" He asked Camille, who preferred not to answer him. But Kendall said in a loud voice, "I swear to God, Jett, if you don't shut up, I will-"

"Okay, please calm down everyone," Miss Collins intervened. Kendall and Jett fell silent, but continued to stare at each other in anger. Miss Collins sighed and then said in a normal voice, "I'm happy to see you all again and even more I'm happy about all the great projects you've worked out. So, now one group after another will come forward and present their project to the rest of the class."

And so it started. One group after another presented their project. But Camille could hardly concentrate on it because her thoughts were constantly with Logan. Then it was her turn. Miss Collins gave her a somewhat sad smile when she said, "Well, Camille, please tell us about the project you and Logan have worked on."

Jett coughed. Camille went to the board, looked at her classmates and was about to start when it suddenly knocked on the door. Two people entered the classroom. One of them was Logan. But ... something was wrong with him. He was pale and seemed to be in pain. His stepfather was behind him. He smiled apologetically as he said to Miss Collins, "Please excuse the interruption, Miss Collins. Logan helped me renovate the garage over the weekend and fell off the ladder. I even had to take him to the emergency room. A doctor took good care of him and actually signed him off sick. I told Logan to stay at home today, but he insisted on coming here. I think it's because of the project, isn't it?" At his last words, he looked Camille directly in the eye. And Camille, who felt a mixture of anger, concern, and fear at Logan's sight, noticed too late that these sensations were reflected on her face. Charles's eyes narrowed. Camille felt a surge of horror rising in her when she realized that he had interpreted her facial expression correctly. He knew that Logan had told her everything. He had seen it in her eyes.

Miss Collins cleared her throat. "Logan ... if you are not feeling well, you can stay at home. It's fine. You can rest and when you feel fit again, you and Camille can present your project together."

Logan shook his head. "No, I'm okay. Really. I can do it." While he said this, he avoided any eye contact with her and with everyone else. Charles laughed and patted Logan on the shoulder. "Gradually my boy becomes a good student. Well, I would love to stay here and listen to the presentation, but unfortunately I have a very urgent appointment." He looked at Logan encouragingly. "Are you sure, champ?"

Logan nodded.

"He's a fighter. But if he doesn't feel good, please let him go home. Better yet, you call me. Okay?" He said to Miss Collins.

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