The Darkest Times Are Over

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So, this is theoretically the last chapter of this story. I actually wanted to upload the epilogue as well, but it's late and I have to work tomorrow. So I will upload it during the next few days. But there is no reason to be sad because I'm already working on a sequel. But for now I hope you enjoy reading this chapter. See you soon.

Logan said goodbye to his therapist and slowly walked down the stairwell. His two-week "vacation" that Dr. Richards had given him were over, so today it was back to getting to the bottom of his problems. Logan had feared that these two hours would spoil the good mood he had gotten into lately, but fortunately it wasn't as bad as expected. They talked about Logan's new living arrangements, about the fact that school was about to start again and of course about Camille. Thinking of her, Logan pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked it for messages. Camille had told him while he was at the therapy center that she was in the process of getting her driver's license. Today was her final exam and she had told Logan that she would contact him as soon as she had her result. But so far this had not been the case. He didn't know if this was a good or a bad sign. He left the building and walked across the parking lot, still thinking about his therapy session. He jumped as a car honked right behind him. He turned around, staring in amazement at the unfamiliar black car. He was 100% sure that he had never seen this car before, but he had seen the person in the driver's seat, who waved at him excitedly. He ran to the passenger side and opened the door. "Camille?!"

She beamed at him. "Hey, Logan. Come on, get in."

"Does that mean you passed your exam?"

She tilted her head indecisively. "No, I didn't pass. But then I thought, screw them, I know how to drive. So I went to my brother's, took his car and came here to pick you up."

Logan's eyes widened. "Camille! You didn't-?!"

Her laugh interrupted him. "Gosh, you didn't really believe me, did you?" Still giggling, she handed him her new driver's license. Logan looked at it for a few moments, then he grinned. He sat down in the passenger seat, leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Congratulations, baby." He hesitated for a moment, then he asked cautiously, "But your brother knows you have his car, right?"

She laughed again. "Yes, he knows, don't worry. I left him a note."

"Camille . . ."

She rolled her eyes. "What's the matter with you today? Where's your sense of humor?"

Logan smiled apologetically. "Sorry. I guess my mind is somewhere else."

Camille smiled. "That's good. Because that's exactly why I'm here."

"I don't follow."

"I thought after everything that's been going on lately, you needed something to take your mind off things." Ignoring his questions, Camille started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.

"We're almost there. Just a few more steps."

Curious, Logan followed Camille through an unfamiliar park. Suddenly she deviated from the path, and led him through a thicket until they reached a small creek. Logan looked around. The "shore" was overgrown with trees and bushes all around, so no one could see them from the normal path.

"What is this?"

Camille smiled and pulled a blanket out of the bag she had taken from the car. Spreading it out on the grass-covered ground, she declared, "This is my happy place."

Logan frowned. "I thought I was your happy place."

Camille sat down on the blanket and smiled at him. "You are my happy place now. But when I was a kid, it was this place. My family and I took a trip here in this park once. However, I got bored after a while and went exploring. That's when I found it."

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