Bad Dreams

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Jeff Morrison - a nineteen year old boy with tousled dark blond hair - was lying on the bed in his room reading a comic when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," he called, closed the comic book and placed it on the small table next to his bed. The door opened and Dr. Richards entered, followed by a boy with dark hair. Dr. Richards smiled. "Jeff, this is Logan. He's your new roommate."

When Jeff looked the boy named Logan in the eye, he felt goose bumps spreading on his arms. It wasn't the boy's gaze that moved him. No, Jeff had seen this look many times before. It was because of the darkness reflected in the boy's eyes. It wasn't an evil darkness, but an indication that this Logan had already gone through and experienced much more than many other people in this place.

Jeff pulled himself together, got up from the bed and held out his hand to Logan. "Hi, nice to meet you."

Logan didn't answer, just shook hands with Jeff briefly.

"I showed Logan the most important rooms, but it would be good if you could show him the rest of the facility in the next few days," the therapist said to Jeff. Jeff grinned. "You want me to give him the unofficial tour? No problem, Doc."

Dr. Richards smiled and put a hand on Logan's shoulder. "Jeff will answer any further questions you may have. I'll see you tomorrow."

Logan nodded, still silent. Dr. Richards gave Jeff a friendly nod and left the room. Logan put his travel bag and backpack on the second bed, then went over to the window and opened it. Jeff noticed his surprised look and said, "I know what you're thinking."

"And what would that be?" The boy asked without turning around.

"You are surprised that the windows can be opened so easily. That is not the case in every room. It depends on the people in them. But there is no danger in here. Because I don't think you're trying to solve your problems by jumping out of a window."

Logan turned to him. "Then what kind of guy am I?"

Jeff thought for a moment. "Well... I'd say you're someone who numbs their problems with alcohol and fighting... maybe even drugs. Am I right?"

The dark-haired boy looked at him for several seconds with an unfathomable expression on his face, then turned back to the window and said, "Good guess."

"Even if you think that this is the end, it's not. On the contrary, it's the chance for a new beginning. I know how you feel now. But believe me, it will get better."

Logan was silent for several more seconds, then he closed the window, said, "You have no idea how I feel," went to his bed and started to unpack. Jeff sighed. He knew that it would be of no use at the moment to keep talking to the boy. He needed time to arrive and deal with the new situation. He took his comic off the table and started reading again.

Logan couldn't believe it when he saw Camille. She beamed and waved to him while a relieved smile spread across his face. But when he was about to walk towards her, he noticed the shadow that reared up behind her. He tried to warn her, but she didn't seem to understand. The shadow had now turned into a black creature. Logan screamed, wanted to run, wanted to save Camille, but he couldn't move. Then he saw the knife in the monster's hand...


"Logan! Wake up! It's okay, man. Wake up."

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