All These Feelings

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When Camille opened her eyes the next morning, Logan was already awake. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "How was your night?"

"Honest answer?"

She nodded. He smiled and put his arms around her. "Best night of my life." He kissed her, but Camille could feel that something was wrong. She ran a hand through his hair. "What's wrong?" She asked worried.

"I was just thinking ... well, we said we had to keep it a secret, right?"

"I thought that's why we were here," she said, slightly confused. He nodded uneasily. "Yes, but do you realize what that means? For school? We have to pretend everything is the same."

Gradually, she seemed to understand and she suddenly became painfully aware of the full extent of their difficult situation. "So does that mean I can keep watching you flirt with other girls?"

He heard the slight vulnerability in her voice and wished there was another way. He ran two fingers along her cheek. "No matter what it looks like, you're the only one for me. And I promise you, flirting is the only thing I'll do with these girls."

Camille was silent. Logan swallowed hard. "Don't you trust me?"

She looked at him sadly. She wanted to trust him. She wanted it so bad. But… Logan seemed to get her thoughts right. "I know my past speaks against me. My entire personality speaks against me. But I really want it to work for both of us. So please tell me how I can prove it to you."

She shook her head and sighed. "You don't need to do anything, Logan. Because I'm the one who has to learn to trust you. I knew from the start that you were different from what you pretend to be. I knew it then and I know it now ... it's just so damn hard."

"All I want is you," he whispered and kissed her forehead. She nodded and managed a small smile. "Maybe we shouldn't care so much about what happens after the weekend, but what happens at the weekend."

Logan smirked. "I think we still have a few hours before I have to be home," he said with a wink and kissed her.

Katie Knights birthday party started on Friday evening and ended on Saturday afternoon. Now it was Sunday morning and Kiara was sleeping in her bed. However, she had a pretty crazy dream. Because the fact that Logan suddenly entered her room, smiling all over his face and with a breakfast tray in his hands could only be a dream. This suspicion was confirmed when Logan said in an unusually cheerful voice, "Come on, little sis. Time to get up. Rise and shine, sleepyhead."

She looked at him confused. "Okay ... who are you and where is my brother?"

Logan laughed in a good mood, which made Kiara even more concerned. If this wasn't a dream, then something was really wrong here.

"Don't be so negative. Here, look, I made breakfast."

"You made breakfast? You even manage to burn orange juice."

Logan just grinned and set the tray down on her mattress. Kiara looked at the blueberry pancakes, which surprisingly looked pretty tasty. She tried a bite and widened her eyes. "Wow ... they are really good."

Logan nodded. "Yes, the waitress said the same thing."

"Which waitress?"

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