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Today, Logan and Camille decided to have a lazy day. So they lay in Logan's bed all morning, sharing kisses and touches, wishing that time would just stand still.

It wasn't until around noon that hunger drove them out of their love nest, only to find that there was nobody else in the house besides them. Then Logan spotted a note on the kitchen counter. Camille watched as he read the note and then started to smile.

"What does it say?" she wanted to know.

"Kelly, Dave, and Kiara are all out to meet up with friends." He thought for a moment, then turned to Camille and grinned. "Do you know what this means?"

"That we are alone?"

"Exactly," Logan answered and wanted to go to her and put his arms around her, but then his stomach reminded him why they had come down in the first place. He opened the fridge and, to his delight, found a tray of sandwiches and another note. He also read this message and then started laughing. "I have the best sister in the whole wide world."

Curious, Camille stepped to his side and also read the message from Logan's sister:

Logan, I don't know if you and Camille will ever come out of your cave, but I know I can't be responsible for her parents getting mad because you might have starved her. So I made these sandwiches, hoping you'd focus on something else than Camille for a while.

And if she's reading this too: Hey Camille, I hope my brother gives you some room to breathe. A little tip: it wouldn't hurt him to set some boundaries every now and then - love you big brother, K.

Just like Logan, Camille had to laugh. Logan shook his head and took the tray of sandwiches out of the fridge. "Come on, let's put my loving sister's worries to rest and enjoy this delicious snack."

Later, they lay on the couch in the living room and watched TV. Well, at least Camille did, while Logan quickly lost interest. His gaze wandered to Camille, studied her closely, and finally couldn't resist the urge to touch her. He really didn't want Camille to think he was only after one thing, but damn it . . . why did she have to be so attractive to him? His hand slipped under the fabric of her top, stroking her bare back. She didn't comment his actions with words, but she let out a satisfied sigh. Logan smiled. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" he teased her.

"Shut up," she mumbled, which Logan thought was a grave mistake. Still stroking her back with his left hand, his other hand came into play. He put it on her stomach and started tickling her. Surprised by this sudden action, Camille tried to turn away, but Logan had a firm grip on her.

"Logan, cut it out," she said, laughing, but he didn't even think about it. Even more, he also used his left hand to tickle her side, causing her to burst out laughing again. He grinned mischievously. "Did you really just tell me to shut up?"

"No," she replied, still trying to extricate herself from this situation.

"That's what I thought," Logan said, stopping the tickling while Camille turned back to the TV. But Logan was still in that special mood and their little banter made the situation even more exciting for him. He continued to caress her back, but this time he also used light tickles to tease her. She giggled from time to time, but otherwise showed no significant reaction. Logan didn't let that deter him, leaned forward and started kissing her neck. Camille tilted her head to give him more room, but as his hands left her back and traveled to her front, she held him back and turned onto her stomach to face him. "Logan . . . don't you think it would be better if we waited a little longer?"

He looked at her in amazement, he had expected anything but this. "Waiting? What are we waiting for?"

"Waiting for tonight. Look, this will be our last night together for who knows how long. Wouldn't it make more sense to have fun tonight than now?"

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