Going Home

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Logan watched the family. The boy who was smiling all over the face, the girl who had her arms around him and looked as if she would never want to let go of him again, the mother with a worried smile and the father who listened to the therapist with a slight frown.

'Looks like the perfect family. You'd never guess there was an incident in this family,' Logan thought to himself. He immersed himself in his thoughts and therefore didn't notice that Jeff's mother was no longer listening to the therapist, but looking at him. Only when she was standing right next to him and gently placed a hand on his shoulder he look up at her. She was blonde, just like her son, and looked at him with her blue eyes. And even if you could tell that she was getting on in years, she was still pretty. "You are Logan, aren't you?"

Logan nodded, puzzled that she knew his name. She could tell by looking at him, because she laughed softly and said, "Jeff told me a lot about you."

Logan grimaced slightly, and felt the familiar feeling of guilty conscience. "I'm sorry you couldn't get your son home earlier. He was dying to stand by me. I told him it wasn't a good idea, but he just didn't want to listen."

She shook her head. "There is absolutely no reason for you to apologize, Logan. Whatever reason you cite, Jeff would never have left you alone. That's just how he is."

"You can be really proud of him. Without his help, I probably couldn't go home today."

"Yes, I'm very proud of him. And I'm happy that you, too, can start a better and happier life from now on."

Logan didn't know what to say to that, so he just nodded gratefully. She took his hands in hers. "May God watch over you, Logan," she said gently. Then she went back to her family, while he watched her speechless and - somehow - touched.

"What did she say?"

Logan flinched. He hadn't noticed that Jeff had come over to him.

"Oh, she just wished me all the best. She is ... she is a really special woman."

Jeff nodded. "Oh yes, she is. Um ... here." He gave Logan a note. "It has my phone number and address on it. I would be happy if we stay in touch. And as soon as we both have gotten used to normal life again, maybe we can meet. What do you think?"

Logan studied the piece of paper with Jeff's contact information for a moment, then put it in his pocket and nodded. "Yeah, sure."

Jeff also nodded and looked at his parents and the young woman. Logan followed his gaze. "Your girlfriend?"

"Yes, Sarah."

"She is pretty."

"And smart. Perfect combination. There couldn't be a better one for me. Mainly because she stood by me the whole time."

"I see," Logan said and his mind drifted briefly to Camille. But then the guilty conscience returned and he forced himself to concentrate on the current situation. Jeff patted him on the shoulder. "If you want to talk or don't want to talk, you can call me at any time, okay?"

Logan nodded and stood up. "Thanks for everything."

Jeff smiled. "Nothing to thank for, my friend."

They hugged each other briefly, then Jeff went back to his people. Before they left the building, Jeff waved to him, then they were gone. Logan stood lost in thought for a while, until an excited voice made him turn around.


A smile spread across his face when he saw Kiara running towards him. He spread his arms and a second later she was with him, hugging him tightly. "I've missed you."

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