Oh Hello

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Camille was lying on her bed, reading a book. Something that she rarely did, because it was often so turbulent in the house that it was hard to concentrate. Now she was home alone and used the silence to devote herself to some of the books that Jo recommended to her. But soon she heard the front door open and a few seconds later the footsteps of her younger brother on the stairs. She had barely closed her book when he was already standing in her room. "Are the others still out?"

"Looks like it."

Her brother nodded. "Okay. I'm in my room." He was already in the hall when he said, "By the way, there is someone in front of our house who wants to talk to you."

"Wait, who is it?" Camille called after him, but he had already slammed the door of his room. Camille sighed. No question, she loved her brother, but sometimes . . .

She got up from the bed and looked out the window, but couldn't see anything from this side. So she made her way downstairs. She guessed it was probably one of the girls who wanted to check on her. She left the house, but couldn't see anything at first, because the sun was shining directly into her face. She took a step forward and suddenly stopped. That couldn't be real. It had to be a mirage, a hallucination. He couldn't be here. She must be dreaming. She stared at the boy she hadn't seen in over four months. He looked different. Not only was his hair different, he was also no longer wearing his usual black clothes, but a simple green t-shirt and jeans. He didn't move, didn't even smile, he just stood there and looked at her. Camille went up to him. Slowly at first, then faster. And finally she ran. And then she was finally with him and threw her arms around his neck. She hugged him and as she did all the horrific events came back to her mind which led her to hugging him even tighter. She thought he wouldn't react at all, but then he carefully put his arms around her waist. She raised her head and looked at him. And now she could see a small smile on his face.

"Hi," Logan said in a low voice.

"Hi," Camille replied, her voice was slightly shaking.

"Um . . . do you wanna go for a walk?" Logan asked, a little uncertain. Camille nodded with a smile. "I would love that."

Unfortunately, while walking through Camille's neighborhood, Camille's joy and excitement turned into a slight disappointment. Logan was silent the entire time. He didn't take her hand; he didn't even look at her. He just walked silently beside her, deep in thought.

When they reached a bench, Camille sat down and hoped that Logan would at least sit down next to her. But he just stood there with his hands buried in the pockets of his jeans.

"Don't you want to sit down?" Camille asked him, trying to suppress her irritation.

"No . . ." Logan replied, but Camille had the impression that he hadn't understood her in the first place. Suddenly he blinked and looked at her in confusion. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked if you . . . What is wrong with you?"

He made a face. "Sorry. It's just . . . I've been trying to prepare for this day for such a long time, but instead, I'm still . . . well . . . unprepared."

"Unprepared," Camille repeated, unable to prevent her disappointment and irritation from turning into anger. She got up. "Logan, I don't want to pretend I'm not happy about your return because I am, I really am. But if you are not able to talk to me, then maybe you should come back another day. You know, when you are more prepared." She turned and walked away, didn't want him to see her tears.

"Camille! Wait!"

She stopped but didn't turn around. "I don't know how I can help you if you don't talk to me," she said quietly. She felt how he stepped behind her and gently turned her around. But now she was the one who refused to look at him. So he put two fingers under her chin and lifted it up so that she had no choice but to look into his eyes.

"Tell me not to think," he said in a serious voice.


"Just say it."

"Stop thinking and finally do something."

He took a deep breath. "Okay." Then he pulled her close and kissed her. For Camille, the kiss was bittersweet. She could feel his despair in it, but also hope. She kissed him back, trying to show him that his worries and fears were unfounded. Logan stopped the kiss, but he was still so close that Camille could feel his warm breath on her face. He looked deep into her eyes. "I love you." Then he kissed her again and this time the kiss was different. Gentle but passionate. Passionate but sweet. Camille folded her hands behind his neck and wanted to deepen the kiss, but to her slight disappointment, Logan stopped her. "Whoa, not so fast."

"Why not?" she asked confused. He smiled. "First I have to ask you something."

"And what would that be?"

His smile turned into a smirk. "Camille Roberts, do you want to be my girlfriend? You know, officially?"

Camille laughed, she just couldn't help it. Logan looked confused. "Um . . ."

She cupped his face with both hands. "Yes, of course I want to be your official girlfriend," she said with a slightly teasing undertone in her voice. She leaned forward to kiss him, but then she hesitated and looked at him questioningly, as if she expected him to stop her again. He had to laugh. "It's okay. Go ahead."

Before he could change his mind, she kissed him. And the only thing that stopped their kiss this time was the need for air. Then they just stood there for a while and looked at each other. Finally Logan whispered, "Spend the weekend with us, with me."

At that moment, Camille didn't think of the possibility that her parents would probably forbid her to go, she just wanted to be with Logan. "I will."

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