Friends With Benefits

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Camille looked thoughtfully at Logan, who was typing at his laptop. After Logan finally confided in her, it didn't take long for him to be the old one again. Nevertheless, he had been honest with her, so she had to be honest with him too.


"Hmm?" He didn't look at her.

"There's something I have to tell you."

Now he looked up from his laptop and looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Is this the moment when you tell me that you are pregnant?"

"No, of course not."

He nodded and a slight smile appeared on his face. "Good. Because whether you believe it or not, that would be the first time for me."

"Hard to imagine."

He laughed. "Okay, what's up?"

She hesitated. "Um ... it's about this project ... It is no coincidence that we are partners. Miss Collins planned it from the start. She told me."

He was surprised. "Okay, I have two questions about that. First, why did she do that?"

"She wanted to give you a chance and she thought I could deal the best with you."

He nodded. "That brings me to my second question: Why did you say yes? I mean, until this project, we didn't know each other. We hardly exchanged two words with each other."

"Well..." If she was already telling him the truth, she should tell him everything. "The truth is that since the day you came into our class I've had a crush on you."

"Ah ... that explains a lot," he muttered. Then he sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "Okay, look, Camille, I really appreciate that and I know there's something between us that's hard to describe, but ... I'm not the guy who is dating someone. I'm sorry."

She nodded in silence. If she was honest with herself, she had already expected such an answer. "Maybe we could find a middle way."


"Well, you know ... Instead of dating; we could just carry on as before."

He raised his eyebrows. "It sounds to me like this "friends with benefits" thing."

She shrugged. "Well, if it's easier for you..."

"But you know what that means, don't you? No commitments and there could be other girls."

She grinned, walked towards him, and grabbed the back of his chair. "I think I can handle it."

He grinned as well. "You're really cool."

"I know," she replied, kissing him. He kissed her back and pulled her onto his lap...

"Okay, tell me, who was it?"

Camille looked up from the papers on her desk and turned to Logan. "What?"

"Who did you have your first time with?"

Camille stared at him speechless for a few seconds, then she shook her head. "That is none of your business."

Logan grinned. "So it's someone I know. A boy from our class?"

"How do you get there?"

"Simple. If it was a guy I don't know, you would have just told me his name. So, who was it?"

"You're not going to stop until I tell you, right?"

He nodded. She sighed. "Steve."

Logan looked at her with his mouth open. "Steve? From our class?"

"Yes, we were together for a short time. Why is this so surprising for you?"

"Uh ... it's just ... I always thought he was gay. No offense, just a guess."

"Well, I'm not quite sure about that. But there have been some hints during our relationship. And we're no longer together, so..."

Logan stared at her for a moment, then he started to laugh.

"Stop it," Camille said, upset, throwing an eraser at him, which didn't impress him at all. A part of her was upset, but a much bigger part inside her was amazed. It was the first time she heard Logan laugh so heartily and completely carefree. And his laugh was beautiful.

Logan calmed down after a while. Because of the laughter, he even had a few tears in his eyes. Camille rolled her eyes, grabbed a piece of paper from her desk, and gave it to Logan. "Here, type this up."

He started typing, chuckling softly from time to time.

"I can't believe it," Logan said, stunned. "We're done."

Camille nodded and closed her laptop. "Yep."

"Wow ... You know what? We should celebrate that."

"What do you have in mind?" She asked with a smile. He grinned. "Well, how about that?" He took her hand and pulled her over to her bed. She laughed. "This is happening a lot lately. Are the other girls not enough for you?"

"Don't tease me," he threatened playfully, not telling her that there were no other girls at all.

"I thought you like that," she said mischievously. He grinned and kissed her, while his hands automatically began to explore her body. They got lost in each other touches until a voice could be heard outside the room. "Cammy?"

Quickly, Camille straightened up and pushed Logan away. He sat down on her desk chair with a wink. Then the door opened and Camille's mother came in. She looked around the room for a moment and then asked, "Well, how's it going with your school project?"

"Oh, we just finished it, Mom," Camille replied.

"Perfect. Dinner is almost ready. Maybe Logan wants to eat with us."

Logan knew that this comment was made only out of sheer courtesy. Camille's family didn't like him. For a moment, he considered accepting the "invitation" to annoy Mrs. Roberts, but instead he said with an equally polite tone, "That's really nice of you, Mrs. Roberts. But my sister is cooking tonight and when I'm not there to taste her food, she gets angry."

Mrs. Roberts nodded, visibly relieved. "Are you coming, Camille?"

Camille nodded. "In a minute, Mom. Logan and I have only one thing left to discuss."

Her mother nodded and walked out. Camille closed the door and looked at Logan with a sigh. "There are too many people in this house."

Logan laughed, got up from the desk chair, and walked towards her. "So ... where were we?"

She shook her head with a laugh. "Forget it."

He shrugged. "Fine. Then I see you at school on Monday." He took his bag and wanted to go out, but Camille stopped him. "Logan, wait. Please promise me that you will be on time on Monday."

"Of course."

Camille wasn't convinced. He smiled and stroked her cheek. "Don't worry. I will be there in time. I promise."

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