Don't Let Me Down

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Logan had been back home for a few days. He lay on his bed, talking to Camille via text messages.

How are you?

I'm okay.

Did he do anything to you in the last few days?

No, he's leaving me alone at the moment ... Do you remember my offer? You know, spending a night together.

Yes, of course. What about it? Did you change your mind?

No. I ask because there may soon be a way to do it.

Really? How?

Kendall's sister invited Kiara to her birthday sleepover tomorrow night. Perhaps we can use this for our own purposes. I will talk to the guys about it. They are idiots sometimes, but they always have a good plan.

I hope it will work. I can't wait to spend the night with you.

A few hours later, Kendall, James, and Carlos came to visit him. They were sitting in the living room when Kiara and Charles came in. Kendall smiled at Kiara. "Hey, Kiara, ready for tomorrow night? Katie has already planned everything."

Kiara nodded. "What about you? Are you ready for a horde of twelve-year-old girls who will drive you crazy?"

Kendall laughed. "As much as I'd like to expose myself to this danger, I'm not there tomorrow. James offered me that I can sleep at his place. Carlos will be there too."

Carlos grinned and turned to Logan. "Do you want to come?"

"Um..." Logan hesitated and looked at his stepfather. Charles didn't look thrilled, but he knew that he couldn't say no to all these people. "Well, Logan is supposed to be resting ... but if he thinks he's strong enough for it, I don't mind. And now excuse me; I have some work to do." He left the living room and disappeared into his office. The boys waited until he closed the door, then all four started grinning at the same time.

The next night, the four boys were standing by a cab in front of James's house. James handed Logan a card. "Here, take that."

Logan raised his eyebrows. "A key card?"

James nodded. "Yep."

"Dude, this card belongs to one of the best hotels in town," Carlos said in disbelief. "How did you get it?"

James grinned. "I have connections."

"Thank you, buddy," Logan said. James waved off. "No problem."

Logan shouldered his backpack and put on the hood of his sweater. "Okay, I think I'm ready."

"Have fun," Kendall said with a grin. Logan smiled and got into the cab.

Logan entered the hotel room and smiled when he saw Camille. He put the backpack on the floor and took off the hood. Then he went over to Camille put his arms around her.

"Did someone follow you?"

He shook his head. "No, I don't think so." He kissed her. "Hi."

She giggled. "Hi. Um, do you want to sit down?" She asked, pointing to the large double bed. Before Logan could answer, she continued, "Or if you're hungry, we can-"

Logan smiled softly. "Hey, Cam, why are you so nervous? It's just me."

She smiled apologetically. "Sorry. I know it's silly, but ... I'm actually nervous, but I don't know why. Somehow it feels like the first time, you know?"

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