The Bet

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"Camille, please wait a moment."

I stop and look at Miss Collins questioningly, while the others leave the classroom. After everyone is outside, Miss Collins closes the door and turns to me. "I think I have to make a confession to you, Camille. It is no coincidence that you and Logan have become partners. I planned it."


She sighs. "His grades are very bad this year. And if he - like everyone else - wants to graduate next year, this project is his last chance."

"But that still doesn't explain why you assigned me to him. I mean, Jo's grades are better than mine."

"Yes, but I think you can handle Logan better. What do you say?"

I shrug. "All right. I'll try it. But I can't promise you that it will work."

"That's okay. Let me know if there are any problems."

"You know Logan. There will definitely be problems," I reply with a wry smile. She nods and says I can go. As soon as I'm in the hallway, I start to grin. The truth is that I have a crush on Logan from the very first moment. But I didn't tell anyone. My friends don't like him. I know that they are right in everything they say about him, and yet there is nothing I can do about my feelings. Who knows what will happen in the next few weeks? I can't wait to find out.


"Camille Roberts … I can't believe it," I say in frustration.

"Yeah, that's pretty stupid," James says, grinning maliciously. Such an idiot. I look at him angrily and then shake my head. "Who do you have as a partner?"

The three look at me in surprise.

"Haven't you been listening in class?" Kendall asks. I roll my eyes. "If I had been listening, I wouldn't have to ask now. So what girls do you have?"

"Stephanie," Carlos replies quick like a shot.

"I have Jo," Kendall says, shrugging. He tries to look casual, but can't help but grin a little. I look at him indignantly. "Lucky you. That means your project is already a success. You don't have to worry about the grade." I turn to James. "What about you?"

He grins. "Lucy. That's perfect."

I frown. "Perfect? Dude, she hates you."

"No, she thinks she hates me. That's a difference."

"I'm pretty sure she knows she hates you."

He doesn't go into it and casually waves it off.

"Okay, so that means I'm the only one with a problem. Great."

James suddenly grins conspiratorially at me. "Then why don't you make the whole thing a little more ... interesting?"


"Do your own project."

I laugh. "Yes, of course. As if I would do all the work alone. Are you high?"

James shakes his head. "No, man. I mean Camille. Try to get her into bed."

"Are you crazy? Camille is not like other girls. She's too tough for that."

"Yes, I know. And that fact makes it interesting. It's a challenge."

I want to laugh at him, but then I think seriously about it. "Okay, you got a point ..."

"So?" James looks at me with raised eyebrows.

"Okay, I'll do it … but only on one condition."

"Which one?"

I grin. "We are making a bet. The one who manages to get laid his project partner first wins."

James grins while Carlos and Kendall laugh. "What's the price?"

"The winner is officially considered the best player in school."

James nods. "I agree. But you know you'll lose, don't you?"

"We'll see about that," I reply casually. "So, deal?"

He laughs. "OK. Deal!"

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