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There was a gloomy mood between the six teenagers who were in Jo Taylor's room. Although none of them had slept much in the past few days, no one really knew how to talk about this terrible story. Finally, after a long silence, Lucy said, "I never really liked Logan. But he really didn't deserve this fate."

"Who could have expected it? After all, hardly anyone knew about it," Stephanie added and looked over at Kendall, James, and Carlos. Carlos shrugged. "We had to promise Logan that we wouldn't tell anyone ... maybe that was a mistake."

"What did you tell the police?" Jo asked.

"Everything," Kendall said with a sigh. "The whole truth."

"Were you allowed to visit Logan?" Stephanie asked. Kendall shook his head. "Every time I call the hospital and ask, a psychotherapist tells me that Logan is currently unable to receive visitors. The only person who can see him is his sister."

"Do you think Logan shot his stepfather?" Lucy asked suddenly.

"No," James said promptly. "But the detectives think so. They said there was a fight."

Kendall got up and began pacing the room restlessly. "We know Logan was very angry that day. But I can't, no, I just don't want to believe that he did it."

Nobody really knew what to say, so silence fell again, but it was quickly broken by a knock on the door. Jo opened the door and was surprised when she saw Camille's brother Jake in front of her. "Jake, what are you doing here?"

"I have news and I thought you might want to know ... but I can come back another time," he added when he saw the rest of the teenagers in Jo's room. Jo shook her head. "No, it's okay. Come in."

He followed her into the was immediately asked by Stephanie, "Is it about Camille? Is she conscious?"

Jake sighed. "No, unfortunately not. But there is still some good news. We know who did this to her." He paused for a moment and then continued, "Two detectives came to our house yesterday. A man and a woman, Coleman and Nash."

"We know them," James said. "They are investigating Logan's case."

Jake nodded. "That confused us at first, but then they said there was a connection between the two incidents. They found a list of various business partners in Charles Anderson's papers. Most of the people on the list are unsuspicious except for three names. The first is a P.I."

"What? A private investigator?", Jo asked puzzled.

"Yeah, but more like someone who prefers to work for the, well, dark side. Apparently, Logan's stepfather hired him to follow Logan and my sister."

"Then this whole hide-and-seek game was completely unnecessary?" Kendall interjected. "He knew it?"

"It looks like it. And it gets worse. The second person on this list is a petty criminal who seems to do anything for money. He was the one who hurt Camille."

"That guy just admitted it?" Lucy asked in surprise. Jake shrugged. "Well, he said that Logan's stepfather blackmailed him. But the detectives are sure he's lying. Either way, he'll definitely be punished for it."

"Who was the third person on the list?" Kendall asked. Jake frowned. "They didn't say much about that because that person has nothing to do with Camille. It's a doctor. The only connection is that he works in the hospital where Camille and Logan are."

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