The Truth

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I'm sorry for the late update, but writing the chapter took me longer than I expected. (Five pages.) Besides, this will be the last chapter (relax everybody, story isn't over yet) told from a character's point of view. The following chapters will all be written in the third person PoV. Okay, let's go.


"So ... he really did it?" I ask, disappointed.

"Yes," Miss Collins sighs on the phone. "And I can't understand it. I thought you wanted to let me know if something went wrong with the both of you."

"Well ... It's complicated."

"Mmmh ... Ok ... So, of course I can't give you a new partner, but I can put you into another group. How about Jo and Kendall?"

I hesitate. Should I really give up? No, I can't do that. I know I'm on the verge of finally finding out the truth. I just need another chance.

"Wait, Miss Collins. Do you really want to give up on Logan?"

She is silent for several seconds before replying, "No, of course not. I know he has a lot more potential than he shows ... And that he has problems, but doesn't want to accept any help."

"Yes, you are right. I've been watching him over the last few weeks and he seems really serious about the project. Please give me another chance to work with him."

"But what if he doesn't want to?"

"Leave that to me. I promise you that I will not disappoint you."


I'm home alone, which is more than okay. I'm frustrated and in a bad mood. And my mood doesn't get any better when it suddenly rings at the door, several times in a row, over and over again. I curse irritated and go downstairs. Whoever that is should have a damn good reason to show up here. I open the door. "Hey! What the- ... What are you doing here?"

I can't believe Camille is actually standing in front of me. Why does she have to make it so damn hard for me?

"Are you alone?"

"Yes," I answer. "But ... Hey, what are you doing?"

Without paying any attention to me, she goes into the house and climbs the stairs to my room. Confused, I close the front door and run after her. After I also enter my room, she comes up to me and looks at me seriously. "Did you really think you could get rid of me so easily?"


She walks past me, closes the door ... and locks it. Then she gives me a push and I fall backwards on my bed. Is this a fantasy again or a dream? It has to be, because if she's really here, that is far from good. It's dangerous.

She bends over me and kisses me passionately. It's definitely not a dream, because it feels way too good. And that is the problem. It feels too good. I manage to separate my lips from hers and look at her with regret. I want it. I want it so bad. But...

"You can't be here. We cannot do that. It's too dangerous."

"I don't care," she replies, kissing me again...


"You know ... Every time I heard the girls talking about you at school, I thought they would be lying. But now I have to admit that they actually told the truth."

He turns his head to me and raises an eyebrow. "Well ... Thank you? You weren't too bad either." He winks at me and I have to laugh. "Idiot."

He shrugs and pushes the covers down so that his entire torso can be seen. I think it's unnecessary to say how hot he looks. However, the overall picture is clouded by the bruises on his body. Carefully I stretch out a hand and touch the large bruise on his ribs. He flinches, but then relaxes again.

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