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I slammed my arm on the ringing alarm that blared on the side of me.I groaned and yawned. It was still pretty dark outside. I hated waking up this early. I never had to because of Isaac.

“Morning.” Said a voice coming from the bathroom of the room.

“What the fuck?” I said squinting at the darkness.

“I was wondering when you would be awake.” It was Harry.

“What the hell are you doing in here?” I asked covering myself up.

“It’s my house.” He said plopping himself on the bed.

“Did you watch me sleep?” I asked uncomfortably.

“No, that’s weird. I was waiting for you to get up.”

“That’s still weird.” I said stretching before getting up.

“You forgot this.” he said picking up my red bra that was on the floor.

“Thanks.” I said snatching it from him and walking into the bathroom.

“Am I going to drive or you?” He called from outside of the bathroom.

“Me, but we have to stop at my house for a second.” I said shutting the lights off.I brushed passed Harry who stood awkwardly close to me.


“Because I need to get work clothes.” I said going to make the bed.

“You don’t have to make the bed, I have people for that.”

“Oh excuse me mr. famous.” i said stopping making the bed.

“Well I don’t like to clean.”

“I can tell, but you keep one hell of an organized closet.”

“My clothes are the only thing that I am meticulous at. They have to be organized by season, color and occasion.” 

“That’s weird.” I said shutting the lights out of the room. I walked down the stairs like I owned the place.

“I’m glad you know your way around the house already, it means you can come back!” Harry said happily.

“Don’t get your hopes up.” I said waiting for him. I took a good look at his outfit. He was wearing dark washed jeans and converse. He also had a long sleeve t-shirt on. He got his coat off of the coat rack that was near the door.

“Ready?” He asked. I nodded and he followed me to my car.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive?” He asked pointing to his Range Rover.

“No. Plus I’m probably a better driver.”

“I don’t know, I’m pretty solid.”

“Yeah, but driving is in my blood. My father was a race car driver.” 


“Yeah, I spent half of my life in like Texas, and down south because he was a driver for NASCAR. Then I moved back home.”

“That sucks.”

“No it was nice. I lived there from when i was 10-17. Once I graduated from school I moved back with Juliette’s family and we both went to University in England.”

“That’s cool, I was touring the world since I was about 17.” He flashed a smile. I started the car and started driving towards my house.

“yeah I know.”

“Were you a fan?”

“Define fan?” I asked

“LIke did you worship every move I made and stalked me on twitter.”

“I did not worship you, but I liked your music. I even went to a concert when i was 18. It was fun.” I smiled.

“You were totally a crazy fan that like cried at everything we did.” Harry laughed.

“Not true. I think it was your second tour, I went when you guys were in Manchester. I had a great seat in the front. It was fun. Actually the party I went to after was fun too.” i laughed at the memories.

“I don’t remember.” He said as I pulled up to my house.

“You lived incredibly close to me.” i said getting out of the car. “Are you coming?” I asked and Harry unbuckled his seat belt and followed me.

“This is nice.” He said walking up to the front door.

“Sorry I cannot afford a mansion like you own, but hey, it’s home.” I said unlocking the door and turning the alarm off.

“There is nothing wrong with your home. If I didn’t get the chance I did, i would be living in Holmes chapel.”

“Whatever.” I said running up the stairs and Harry followed me. 

“Your room is nice.” He smiled, and chuckled. My room was half the size of his and it was black and white.

“Shut up and get out when I change.” I said shutting the door in his face.

MInutes later I came out in old jeans, a pair of sneakers and a bakery t-shirt.

“Do I get one of those?” He asked pointing at my shirt.

“yeah at the bakery. Now hurry we are going to be late.” I said looking at my watch. We still had 30 minutes.

“But I’m hungry!” harry complained.

“You can eat when we get into town.” I said getting in the car.

“But I want to eat now!” He complained more, I knew he was doing it to make my life hell, but I just went along with it.

“Complain to someone who actually cares.” I laughed. 


This chapter is really boring. Lo siento. To all my readers that celebrate Christmas. Have a very happy, healthy, merry christmas :) I will update after Christmas. Enjoy the holiday and hte break! I know I will! Don't forget to share, vote, comment :) xoxoxo-Skyla 

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