Twenty Five:

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Seriously though Harry you’re terrible at picking girlfriends.” Louis said. I knew he knew what he was talking about.

“Thanks guys.” He said.

“But not Grace, she is incredible.” Liam said and it made me turn red and smile.

“Yeah we like her.” Niall said. I just realized that they didn’t care if you were sitting right there, they said whatever they felt like.

“You know she is sitting right there.” Harry said.

“Yes, and we don’t care.” Louis said.

“I like you guys too. You’re all funny. And really entertaining.” I said and they smiled.

“It’s best when we have been drinking a bit too much. Liam’s wedding was a classic example.” Zayn said.

“I’m afraid to see you when you’re drunk, if you’re this loud now, sober.” I said.

“Grace you have seen me drunk, I wasn’t that bad.” Harry laughed.

“Well you and Juliette were both pretty trashed. But it was funny.”

“Who is Juliette?” Liam asked.

“My cousin. She was there when I met Harry.” I smiled.

“How did you two meet? I don’t think i know the full story?” Liam asked.

“Well I was at a fashion show with Juliette because she needed dresses for the Brits. When I noticed Harry across the runway. It was pretty strange because he is Harry Styles. But after the show I was eating because i was starving and they had a table full of food.”

“I stole her food and then we went to another fashion show.” Harry said.

“You stole her food!” Niall said.

“He still does that? I thought he would have gotten over that phase.” Louis laughed

“Nope he took it right off of my plate.”

“And then we got wasted.” He said and the boys laughed.

“You got wasted?” Liam asked me.

“I wasn’t wasted.” I lied.

“You were dancing like a mad women. It was quite entertaining.” Harry said laughing. The boys started cracking up.

“That’s not even true. I had a few drinks.” I said but I couldn’t help but smile.

“Do you remember even going out?” Zayn asked.

“It was so long ago.” I said trying to make up some kind of excuse.

“Yeah you were wasted.” Louis said and I smiled. Maybe I was a little bit wasted.


Harry’s Point of View:

I said fair well to the boys and wished them the best with their new families and future children. Truth is, I wasn’t sure when I was going to see them. They were all going to be busy. Liam just got married and was looking for a house. Louis has to take care of Leena. Niall’s wife is expecting twins and Zayn is traveling with his wife. I brought up the idea of releasing a single maybe as a band again, but it got shot down. They were all too busy. I wanted to get back in the recording studio because I missed it so much. 

“I thought the boys would have liked the idea of recording again.” I told Grace as she sat down on the couch with me.

“Well they are incredibly busy you know. They have families.”

“I know, but they loved it before!”

“HArry they’re grown ups. They aren’t the 4 boys you spent all that time with before.”

“I know they are growing up, but I just don’t get why they said no so fast.”

“They are too busy and they can’t be caught up in the idea of recording and traveling around the world again. Niall can’t leave his wife who will pop any minute and Louis has Leena.”

“It’s just upsetting that I will probably never since every again.” I said and Grace leaned her head on my shoulder.

“You can’t be so pessimistic Harry. You never know what can happen in a few years when every one is settled in.”

“But I don’t think it will happen.”

“You have to hope for the best Harry. Be optimistic about the outlook on your life. And if you’re so worried about not singing ever again, why not record you own songs?”

“I couldn’t do that. It would be boring with out the rest of the boys. I wouldn’t want to do something like that without them.”

“Why not? Paul McCartney did it, Justin Timberlake did it, Robbie Williams did it, Nicole Scherzinger did it. Everyone does it Harry. I think it’s just part of being in a band.”

“I would feel weird though.”

“I’m not telling you, you have to do it. I’m just bringing up the idea.”

“I know, I’ll think about it.”

“And if you miss singing so much, you can sing to me.” She smiled.

“What do you want me to sing?”

“Sing whatever you want.” She said and I thought. I thought about singing a One Direction song, but it would be too cheesy. Ed Sheeran was the next artist to pop into my mind.

“Kiss me like you wanna be loved” I started and Grace shifted to get comfortable and then i continued.

“Wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

This feels like I've fallen in love 

Fallen in love 

Fallen in love 

Settle down with me 

And I'll be your safety 

You'll be my lady” 

Soon Grace was sleeping. She had fallen asleep as I sang to her. I smiled as I watched her chest go up and down.I lifted her up and carried her up the stairs. It wasn’t too difficult of a task. I placed her in her bed and kissed her forehead.

“I love you Grace.” I said turning the light off.


I'm going to be updating less and less because of Softball starting i'm sorry -Skyla

State of Grace: A One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now