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Harry’s alarmed started blaring at 8:00. I had fallen asleep on the mattress intwined with him. I groaned opening my eyes. Harry apologetically smiled and I put my head back on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

“You have to get up.” harry said, his morning voice was incredibly sexy. I knew I had to wake up. I was to began the day of baking

“Hold me.” I said ignoring the need for me to get out of bed. I was cold and wanted to cuddle. It was weird though, i was never this kind of affectionate person that needed to be held. But Harry did what I asked and held me in his arms as I laid next to him. 

After 10 minutes of cuddling and me trying to stay awake I sat up.

“Aren’t you super excited to bake all day?” I said sarcastically and I rubbed my eyes.

“I’m so dead.” Harry said and I was confused.

“What are-” I began but then i realized what he was talking about. I had a giant hickey on the side of my neck. 

“Fuck your dad is going to kill me.” 

“Relax.I’m a girl I can use makeup to cover it up and I’ll wear a scarf.” I said getting off of the mattress. “But you can’t.” I said pointing to the smaller one on his neck.

“We are twins.” He smiled joking around.

“harry my dad is going to kill both of us.”

“Last night was fun though.” He said smiling poking my exposed stomach. We kissed for a while, then the touching began. Eventually we were both undressed and I made the best decision of my life. To have sex with Harry Styles.

“Shut up.” I said going into my bathroom, harry followed me. I put his t-shirt over my bra and put a pair of leggings on. Harry kept his sweats on.

“It’s not that bad.” he said examine it.

“It’s huge!” i said but I couldn’t help but smile.

“Well i’m pretty talented, when it comes to making love to someone.” He said and I hit him playfully. “I didn’t know you were so flexible.” He laughed again and i felt my face turn bright red. 

“I hate you.” I said as I began brushing my teeth.

“Take it back.” he said. I shook my head finishing up. When i finished Harry picked up up and threw me over his shoulder.

“Ahh! Harry put me down.” I said hitting his back.

“Nope.” he said spinning me on his shoulder.”Not until you take it back.”

“Fine, I don’t hate you.” He said putting me down. I stumbled as I tried to gain my vision back.

“Grace. AM I taking.” Charlie came into the room, but he paused as he looked at my neck. “What is that?” He asked I covered it up with my hands.

“Nothing.” i lied.

“Let me see!” He said prowling my hands away from my neck. And he smiled.

“Did you do this?” He asked Harry and harry nodded.

“it’s massive!” He said laughing.. “Tom come here!” he called. “Look at this.” He said pointing to my neck.

“Fuck, it’s huge.” He laughed.

“Guys you’re not making it better. Dad can’t see this.”

“Good job Harry. That’s impressive.” Charlie said giving Harry a high five.

“Thanks Charlie.”

“Focus! I need magic right now to cover it up.”

“Let me do it.” Charlie said grabbing me and pulling me into the bathroom. I sat on the toilet when he took out all my foundations and coverups. He began applying it, coat over coat.

“You can barely tell.” He said finishing up.

“It’s not as bad.” I said there was still some purple color showing.

“Wear this.” Harry said giving me an incredibly thick scarf. I wrapped it around.

“Perfect. You can’t see it now.” Charlie said.

“Thank you.” I said thanking Charlie.

“no problem. Harry you might want to wear a scarf too.” He said pointing to the little one on Harry’s neck. “I’ll meet you downstairs we are going to the kitchen in 10 minutes.” He said leaving with Tom.

“What am I supposed to do? You’re wearing my scarf.” He said going through his suitcase.

“Let me see.” i said examining it. I took my foundation and put a little on before he could protest.

“Is it better?” He asked.

“Yes. You can barely tell.” He went into my bathroom and looked.

“You’re magic.”

“I know. It runs in the family. Now hurry up. We are leaving soon!” I said kissing him and leaving the bedroom. 

When we got to the bakery I was hot and took off the giant jacket my mom made me put on, and harry’s scarf. I unlocked the with Harry carrying two big boxes full of ingredients and supplies.

“Hurry up, I feel like my arms are going to fall off.” he said struggling with the boxes.

“you’re the one that offered to to hold the boxes for me.” I said unlocking the door. Harry pushed passed me and put the boxes on the giant titanium counter top. I threw my jacket on a chair that was near the door and opened a window.

“How many things do you have to make?” Harry asked taking his jacket off as well.

“About two dozen different cookies, a large crumb cake, brownies, an apple pie, a pumpkin pie, a pudding pie, jello, and a fruit basket, which is last.” I said reading the list my mom made me.

“How many people are going to this dinner?” he asked.

“A lot. It’s my dads entire family, it is like 40 people.” I said.

“I have to meet more of your dads family.”

“yeah but don’t worry they will love you, His family isn’t like him. they are nice.” I said laughing as I set the ingredients in groups based on what i was making and then put those I didn’t need into the refrigerator. 

“Are you sure?”

“Harry you’re fine. Remember when you were crapping yourself when you met my dad and he ended up liking you. it’s the same thing. Besides him, his family is easily impressed. Just flash your smile and they will like you.” i said smiling.

“You like my smile?” I rolled my eyes at him as he smiled even wider. “What do you want me to do?”

“Right now start mixing those ingredients. You’re going to be making the brownies.” I said and harry did as he was told. 

An hour later, the brownies was nearly done baking and so were the sugar cookies. I had just begun the rainbow cookies.

“You need a break.” harry said taking the ingredients out of my hands.

“No I don’t.” I lied I was hungry, tired but it had only been an hour.

“Yes you do.” He said wiping the batter off of my face. “Let’s go get breakfast.” he said.

“But the brownies are baking.” I said and then the timer went off.

“It’s a sign that you need to eat something.” He said taking them out. The smell filled the room.

“Fine.” I said as he handed me my jacket. We walked out of the bakery and down main street. “There is a small cafe on the corner.” I said as he grabbed my hand and we strolled down the street. I could see harry enjoyed it without being bombarded with cameras in his face.

State of Grace: A One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now