Thirty Three:

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The Next Night:

I finished squeezing into my leather pants that were really night. I might have crashed into the wall a couple of times but I was snug in. They finished my outfit. I looked hot and I knew it.

“Are you okay?” Harry asked walking into the bathroom. He must of heard me crash a few times.

“Yeah i’m fine.” I said smiling spraying my hair with hairspray.

“You look....incredible.” He said kissing me.

“I know.”

“Conceded much.” 

“Juliette picked out this outfit and I fell in love with it.” I said.

“Are you ready for this festival?

“Yes. I can’t wait to dance!” I said following Harry out of the hotel room. The lobby of the hotel was full of tourists  that were taking the shuttle bus to the main street. There was going to be a parade, tons of food, dancing and music.

Harry and I got in line to get onto the bus. There were a good variation of people on line. Teenagers, young adults, adults, and even older people.

The music was blaring when we made it to the main street. We were a bit late because the parade was already started. Harry and I grabbed our spot on the sidewalk watching the lights flash and the dancers dance. I even danced a little bit with them. 

“This is fun!” I said loudly over the music. Harry nodded in agreement. 

We made our way to a local bar that had the entire crowd of people.

“What can I get you two?” The bartender asked.

“I’ll have  beer, what do you want?” Harry asked.

“I’ll a cranberry splash please.” I said looking at the drink menu.

“Going hard?” Harry said paying the bartender.

“What happens in Rio stays in Rio.” I said laughing accepting the drink.

“Cheers!” We clinked glasses and took our sips. The alcohol burned my throat I haven’t had such a strong drink in a long time, but I wanted to have fun.

“Harryyyy!!!!! You have to sing!!!” I said nearly falling over with him on the dance floor. 

“This isn’t karaoke Grace and you’re clearly trashed.” He said holding me up. 

“But there is a karaoke bar next door!” I said giggling while we danced.

“Not now, maybe another time.” He said. We were pushed on the dance floor but just ignored it, until it happened again and again.

“Excuse me? Do you have a problem?” Harry asked turning to the giant sweaty man that kept hitting into us.

“Are you talking to me?” He asked Harry. This man was clearly taller, and much stronger than Harry was.

“Yes. I don’t appreciate that you keep hitting into me and my girlfriend.”

“LIke his?” he said ramming into me and harry. Harry tried to catch me but I fell to the ground. The alcohol in my system didn’t help.

“What the fuck is your problem?” Harry said getting into the mans face.

“Are you trying to intimidate me pretty boy?”

“No I just don’t understand why juice heads like yourself have to fuck up everyones time here? You’re clearly causing a scene.” HArry spat in his face. The “juice head’s” face went so read you could even see it in the dark.

“Let’s go Harry, he isn’t worth it.” I said trying to pull harry along, but he wouldn’t move.

“Follow your girl little boy or it will get ugly in here.” He said turning around. Harry started to walked out with me but stopped.

“Hey Juice head.” He said taping the man on the shoulder. The instant that he turned around Harry wailed him in the face. You could tell this man was caught off guard because he stumbled a little bit.

“Lets go.” Harry said pulling me out of the bar and onto the street.

“Why did you hit him?” I asked holding onto Harry’s arm, as we walked the streets of where the left over beads, and confetti lay. 

“He was bothering me.”

“Are you going to hit everyone that bothers you?”

“Not necessarily. But he was messing with you. I didn’t like that.” 

“Thank you for saving me.” 

“It was my pleasure.”

“But Juice Head? You couldn’t think of some kind of better insult?”

“It was the first thing that I thought of.”

“It’s kind of pathetic.”

“He called me a ‘pretty boy’ that’s pretty not insulting.”

“Actually under your circumstances it is. Because you are a pretty boy. You were in a boy band harry. It doesn’t get much more pretty boyish.”

“You like my pretty boy features.”

“Yes I do. They’re cute.” I said kissing him under the street lights. “Harry how are we getting back to the hotel?” I said looking at my phone time. It was already 2:30 am. The bus had left and the hotel was 2 miles away.

“That’s a good question. I have no idea.”

“I can’t walk, not in these shoes.” I said pointing to my heals that were already hurting my feet.

“I can call the hotel maybe Mr. Rivera has a way.” He said taking out his phone. “Hello is Mr. Rivera there?” There was a long pause before Harry continued to talk. “Yes Thank you sir for taking out the time to talk to me. The thing is me and Grace seem to have missed the bus to get back to the hotel. Is there a way that you could some how send out some kind of transportation to pick us up?” He asked and another long pause. 

“Are you sure this is no way that you could pick us up?” Harry said into the phone. HE frowned and eventually hung up the phone.

“Now what are we supposed to do?” I asked.

“I’m thinking, but we might as well start walking.”

“Ugh you owe me a foot massage.” I said as we walked into the night not having a clue where we were going. 

State of Grace: A One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now