Twenty Six

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I left Harry’s house...well our house around 9:00 because I thought I would be a good girlfriend and walk the dogs. I haven’t had a decent work out in a while and wanted to get out of the house. Today also wasn’t as could as it normally would be.

“Cream, Shadow let’s go.” I said hooking them both on leashes and settled out of the front door. Harry would still be sleeping even when i got home.

After leaving the property and getting more into town it was pretty crowded. I thought people didn’t know who I was, but I was wrong. Cream started barking and that’s when i noticed someone was taking pictures of me. 

“Hey Grace over here!” The man called as I walked along the streets. I couldn’t help but look and then flashes went off. Shadow also started barking. 

“What are you doing?” I asked as I continued to walk he followed me still taking my pictures.

“My job.” He said taking more pictures. “you and Harry’s relationship is the biggest thing to hit the newsstands. Boss is going to love this.” He said flashing more pictures I hid my face and pulled the dog back towards the house.


The next morning I was woken by Harry and Shadow.

“Why didn’t you tell me you got mobbed by the paps yesterday?” he asked throwing the newspaper onto the bed. I was on the cover in the celebrity column.

“I didn’t think it was a big deal.”  I said still half asleep.

“Are you okay did they hurt you?” He asked in a concerned matter.

“I’m fine plus there was only one of them. He seemed pretty normal.”

“It’s only going to get worse.” 

“I know and i’m okay with it. I knew when we first kissed that this wasn’t going to be like any normal relationship. I was prepared for it.”

“You know that’s why I love you. You just jumped in and accepted my lifestyle.” Harry said kissing me.

“I love you too Harry.” I said pulling him into bed with me.

“I have some news for you.” Harry said moving my messy hair out of my face.


“I’m thinking about starting a solo career!” 

“That’s great! I’m so excited for you!” I said kissing him.

“That’s not all. I’m going onto a talk show to announce it. I’m going to talk on The Jonathan Ross Show tomorrow night. And I want you to come with me.” 

“Harry that’s so great! I’m so happy for you. But why do you want me to come?”

“Because it’s going to be boring without someone. I never actually did a talk show by myself. I want someone backstage to keep my company.”

“I would be honored to go with you.”

“And Jonathan Ross might ask you to come talk.”


“Because I did want to introduce the world to my incredibly beautiful girlfriend.”

“I’l think about it.” I smiled.

“I was also told that we had to coordinate.”

“Are you making that up?” 

“Nope get dressed we are going shopping.” He said pulling me out from the bed.

“But I have plenty of clothes.” I said.

“Well I need something to wear. Not being in a band means I don’t have a stylist to get me dressed. I need a womens opinion.” 

“I don’t even like shopping.” 

“You’re a girl you have to like shopping?”

“That’s stereotypical and sexist.” 

“I’m sorry Grace. Please come shopping with me? I need your expertise.” Harry said grabbing my waist and kissing me softly.

“Fine.” I agreed.

“Thanks.” He said kissing me again.

 I walked with Harry in a local shop as he picked out clothing. 

“What do you even want to wear?” I asked. It was a small shop that Harry said he got a lot of his clothing. And there were about two other people here.

“Clothes.”HE said holding up a striped jacket.

“That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen in my entire life.” I said laughing at the red and brown jacket as he put it on.

“I think it’s kind of cool.”

“Harry you’re blind.”

“I’m going to buy it.” 

“If you wear that on the show tomorrow I’m not coming.” I said holding up a nice gray dress shirt.

“I didn’t plan on wearing it. I just want it.”He said taking the dress shirt that I handed him.

“Why would you even do that?”I asked searching for a pair of pants for him.

“So I can say that I have an ugly jacket?”

“I question the way you think Harry. You have a strange mind.” I said looking at jeans, Harry strolled through the racks.“Those are womens clothes.” I said when he was looking at one particular rack.

“I know.”He said pulling out something. It might have been the second ugliest thing I ever seen. It was a jacket just like Harry had pulled before. Except this one was argyle and purple and green.

“What are you doing?” I asked walking over to him.

“We can match!” HE said showing me the jacket.

“That jacket will never be warn by me.” I said.

“I’m going to buy it for you.” HE said walking over the the cash register with the clothes I picked out for him and the two ugly jackets. When He paid for them he took the jacket out and put it on. He handed me his phone.

“Take a picture of me.” he asked and I took one. “Now wear yours and take a picture with me.”He asked. I sighed and did what he asked. We had some random guy take a picture of us.

“I cannot believe you bought these hideous things.” I said taking the jacket off and stuffing it back in the bag.

“I like it.”HArry said still wearing the jacket.

“Are you going to wear that in public?” I asked.

“yep. Let’s go get some lunch. I’m thinking about somewhere nice, outside.”He laughed dragging me out side.

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