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“You have to be kidding me?” I said walking into the giant arena. This is where Versace fashion show was being held. I walked in with my cousin Juliette at my side. She was a fashion stylist and we were here for her business. I was just coming a long for the ride. 

“What?” She asked sitting down in the front row.

“This place is huge. And long at the catwalk! It’s a million miles long!” I said exaggerated a little bit. 

“Shut up and sit down Grace before you attract more attention to yourself.” Juliette pulled the hem of my dress. I sat down next to her.

The lights turned off and you could only see the catwalk and the few people sitting in the front.

“That is so pretty.” I said pointing to a long dress that walked. “That’s so pretty too!” I said at the next dress.

“Can you be quiet. I’m trying to concentrate! I need dresses for the Brits. Be quiet!” 

I rolled my eyes at her and continued to imagine myself in the dresses. But they were too expensive for a little baker to afford.

“Do you see him?” I heard the person next to me say. They were pointing to the other side of the runway. I couldn’t help but look over. Juliette was in the zone.

I first spotted the curly hair, and then the big hands. Also the fitted blazer. It was Harry Styles.

“Shit. Juliette!” I pulled her and and her note cars were knocked out of her hand. 

“what?” She yelled but no one could hear her of the music. I noticed Harry snicker to himself. He was looking over here.

“Harry. Harry Fucking Styles is here!” I said. 

“Go get him girl. I’m happily married.” She said flashing me her giant diamond ring on her finger. She got married last summer in Greece. It was a small wedding with just her family and a few friends. Her husband is the greatest guy ever. He works for the Queen and helps with the money portion of her Styling business. Me on the other hand. I own a bakery. Classic. 

Juliette and myself moved to London when we got out of college. Her work took her here, and I followed. I always wanted to open a bakery, so I did. 

“I can’t just go get Harry Styles.” I sad getting up from my seat. The show was over but we had to go to another one. We had to go to Burberry.

“He is single and One Direction has been broken apart for 7 years! Harry is almost 30! And you’re pretty. Why not?”

“Because he is still Harry Styles, Juliette. He was the dream boy 7 years ago. And he isn’t nearly 30, he is only going to be 28!” I said. “And I’m going to be 27. I’m younger. He doesn’t like younger women.” 

“Bull. Those are rumors.” Juliette said.

“I don’t care. I’m never going to see him again so it doesn’t matter. I’m hungry.” I said.

“I have to go talk to some people. I have a brilliant vision in my mind and I need to order dresses. Wait here. There is a food table over near the opening. If anyone asks you’re with Juliette Brand.” Juliette said handing me a piece of paper. I walked over to the opening and smiled with joy at the giant table filled with an assortment of teas, juices  fruits, breads, cookies and wines. It was only 10 am, but people were drinking.

I grabbed a plate and loaded it with a blueberry muffin, a spoonful of grapes and a sugar cookie. I might have been the only one eating because I wasn’t a model. I found a seat in the corner of the room away from all the fashion people. Balancing the filled plate on my thighs I indulged myself with my muffin.

“How is the muffin?” I heard a deep voice said behind me. I nearly choked and had to sip my orange juice before I could speak. I turned around to see who I thought it was. Harry Styles.

“it’s good. You want a piece?” I said offering him a piece that I had not bit.

“Yes I’m starving.” He said taking it and shoving it into his mouth.

“You know there is an entire table of food that I don’t think anyone here is eating.” I said pointing to the table.

“I know, but I rather eat your food.”


“Because it’s more fun this way.” he said stealing the cookie off my plate.

“HEY! I was going to eat that.” I said but Harry Styles shoved it into his mouth before I could grab it.

“Sucks now doesn’t it.”He said laughing.

“Grace are you ready? The Burberry show starts in an hour and we have to go.” Juliette said coming up to me. She didn’t even look away from her phone.

“Yeah, I’m done eating anyway.”  I scolded Harry.

“You guys are going to Burberry?” 

“Yes I just said that.” Juliette said. I don’t think she realized who she was talking to, until she looked up from her phone. She turned red.

“Me too! I will join you!” He said taking my plate and throwing it out.

“Okay?” I said. I didn’t realize why he would want to come. 


OKay guys! Here is the new fanfic! I hope you guys like the entire story becaue I really do like this one! I have a plentful amount of outfits too for this sory because they're just fun to make! I know many of my readers are Janoskians fans, but I wanted to do something different. I hope you like it! Leave comments, rates and let me know. Plus this story also starts kind of slow. xoxoxox-Skyla 

State of Grace: A One Direction FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora