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I smiled as Harry walked down the stairs with Charlie. He looked less nervous and that was a good sign. I put the pasta on the table.

“So how was the flight?” My mom tried to start a conversation as she passed me salad. 

“It was pretty long, but nothing too bad.” I said.

“Did you eat on the plane?” My father said taking a large piece of garlic bread.

“No. I fell asleep and missed the breakfast.” I said.

The dinner was incredibly awkward. Harry kept quiet and my brothers had mindless conversations. I was happy when it was over.

“Gracey dear, help me clean up the table. Let your father talk to Harry.” My mom said. 

“But mom I want to show him the whole ranch before it get dark.”

“He won’t be long.” My mom said. Harry had fear spread across his entire face. 

“it’s all right.” I said kissing him before going to help my mom.

Harry’s POint of View:

I walked into the living room where Grace’s father was sitting in a giant chair in front of the TV. He was watching some sports program on.

“Harry sit down.” He said with a grumble. He kind of reminded me of a old grumpy Santa Claus.

“Yes sir.” I said sitting down on the couch next to him. It took him a good two minutes before starting to actually say something to me.

“You like my daughter?” 

“Yes sir. A lot.”

“Why?” I gulped. I could feel my palms getting sweaty. I had to be honest.

“You’re daughter is different sir. But in a good way. She isn’t like others, she understands me and accepts me for everything that I have done. Grace, also is a lot of fun to be around and a great listener. She keeps me grounded and makes me feel normal. Grace has this special quality about her, where no matter the mood you are in she can make you feel 100 times better.” 

“You’re right. My little girl is special.”

“She is more than that. She is incredibly special. Words cannot describe how special she is too me.”

“Do you think your past can effect the relationship?” He asked. I didn’t know the whole controversy  was that big of a deal.

“No. I don’t. Your daughter changed me. She made me realize that women are delicate individuals. They have to be treated with care and loved. When I was younger I was foolish. I will never deny that. I can’t change the past and undo the stupid mistakes that I made, but I am willing to learn from them. I learn a lot every day and Grace keeps me learning.” I said honestly. There was a moment of silence, I could tell he was thinking.

“One more thing.”


“You realize if you break Gracey’s heart this entire family will find you.”

“I know sir, I have been warned many times.”

“Good. Harry at first I thought you were just some flashy celebrity that just wanted to use my daughter. I had Charlie convince me otherwise. Him and what you told me tonight proved that I was wrong. I can tell that you have very strong feelings for Gracey. You seem to be right for her and you two will be incredibly happy together. I am more than satisfied to welcome you to the family.” He said standing and shaking my hand. I smiled at him and he winked before retreating back to his television.

“Thank you sir.” I said before Grace ran into the room. I assumed she heard the entire conversation that we heard. She planted a kiss on me before kissing her fathers cheek in happiness. 

“Come on Harry I want to show you my childhood.” She said pulling me along outside and towards a large red barn.

Grace’s POint of View:

“This Harry is my home away from home.” I said pulling him into a red barn. On one side was where Horses were and the other was my space.

“This is lovely.” He said. I pulled him towards my space.

“I used to come in here every night and think up there.” I said pointing to a bunch of hay stacks that were used as chairs. They faced an open window. “I would come out here and read or look at the stars. Wishing and dreaming about the future. I thought about everything. I would also draw over here. I never told you about my drawings.” I said pulling him towards the wall with a lot of paper on it.

“Charlie told me about your drawings.”

“Yeah I used to do it a lot, but I haven’t really had time.” I said gathering an old sketch book. I handed it to Harry.

“These are incredible. You drew this?” He said holding up a picture of a butterfly that I drew in pencil.

“Yeah i drew that when I was 15. I only do pencil drawings. I don’t like anything else.” I said. He began flipping through the pictures I did of my family members.

“These are incredible you draw people so well!” He said showing me a picture of my mom and dad.

“Yeah that’s nothing. I just like to show people what they look like in my perspective.”

“i can’t even,they are so good.” He said finishing looking threw the book.

“I’m a better baker.” i said

“You’re so incredibly talented.”

“You’re pretty talented yourself. I would kill to be able to sing like you can.”

“Please there are so many talented singers. I don’t know anyone that can draw like this, and bake.”

“My mom, that’s where I get it all from.” 

“You have an incredibly talented family.”

“It’s nothing everyone has there talents.”

“I don’t think I have seen talent like this.”

“You’re being humble. You were in One Direction, Harry. That’s impressive.”

“Can you draw me?” he asked changing the subject.

“No, I couldn’t I haven’t in a really long time. And I don’t have anything on me. It takes me hours to draw people out. I don’t have the time.”

“Please? I would love it!”

“Maybe when we get home, I can’t tomorrow. I have a lot of baking to do for Thursday. And you’re helping me.” 

“How much baking?”

“I am making all the desert. Crumb cake, cookies of all sorts, fruit baskets, pie. Everything. Get ready harry tomorrow is going to be hectic.”

“But there is no space for it in your kitchen?”

“My father rents out a private kitchen for me during Thanksgiving.”

“Can he do that?’

“My father is kind of a big deal here.” I said smiling pulling him outside towards a tree.

“Now where are we going?” He asked.

“This Harry is my swing.” I said showing him a large tree. Tied to it was a tire swing.

“You have a lot of stuff here for only living here for a short period of time.”

“It’s all memories. Now sit.” I ordered.

“Alright.” Harry said sitting down and I began to push him.


Gosh I love this chapter! I'm going to be updating  a lot more recently just because I need to post this story so I don't worry about it when Softball Starts. So yeah -Skyla

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