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Harry’s Point of View:

I woke up with a huge head ache, and a hangover. I did not realize that I drank that much last night. I didn’t really remember. All I knew was that I was not in my room and there was the smell of bacon coming down stairs. I also noticed that I wasn’t wearing pants. I saw my jeans on the dresser in front of me, and also a pair of sweatpants. Grace had left them for me. When I put them on, they were extremely big on me, but I didn’t care. They were comfortable.

“Good morning sleepy head!” Grace greeted me.

“Hi.” I said sitting down at the kitchen table. The dogs greeting me as I sat down. I put Shadow’s head and he licked my hand in response.

“Sleep well?” Grace laughed.

“Yes actually. Your bed is really comfortable.”

“I know.” She said handing me cup of coffee and some medication.

“I hate coffee.”

“Drink it though, it will help the hang over.” She said. I did as she told me and took the medication.

“What are you making?” I asked making faces at the coffee taste.

“Eggs and bacon. Would you like some?” She asked.

“Yes please.” I smiled. She came over with a huge plate with a pile of eggs and bacon on the plate. Planting a kiss on my lips after she placed the plate down. “ I can get used to this.” I said as I began eating.

“Eggs are the only thing that I can really cook and not burn the house down.” Grace said.

“I love Eggs, so you’re in luck.” I said, as I continued to eat.

“Harry I decided that we need to move in together. These dogs cannot be separate. And I don’t like driving from house to house.”

“Great it’s settled you can move in to my house!” I said taking a sip of the gross coffee.

“But I love my house.” 

“But my house is bigger!” I said sticking my tongue out at her.

“Fine, but we cannot move in together until after Thanksgiving.” She said and I looked at her weirdly.

“Why Thanksgiving? You’re not American?” I asked.

“Well my parents still live in Texas. You know I lived their from 10 to 18. They stayed there because it was warm. Also three out of four brothers live there too. The other lives in London.” She said, I got nervous. 4 brothers,  that’s a lot.

“You have four brothers?”

“Yes, all older! I cannot wait for you to meet them. You will love them. it would be like being in a band again.”

“Yeah, unless they try to kill me!”

“Why would they try and kill you?”

“Because you’re their little sister, they have to always protect you and stuff.”

“Don’t worry you have nothing to worry about.” She laughed. “Changing the subject. I’m excited to meet Louis tonight.” 

“Right! I forgot about that!” I said smacking my forehead.

“How could you forget! He is your best mate!”

“Well I don’t really remember anything from yesterday.

“I wonder why, you were hammered.”

“I wasn’t that drunk.

“Your started to sing your main solo from What Makes You Beautiful. To a lamp.” I started laugh at what she told me. That’s so embarrassing.

Grace’s POint of View:

I was in Harry’s car on the way to Louis’ house. And I have never been so nervous in my entire life. I wasn’t this nervous meeting his mom and sister. But I felt like I had to live up to some kind of expectations when I met Louis.

“Don’t be nervous. Lou will love you.”

“I’m not nervous.” I lied, I knew Harry could tell. He grabbed my hand to comfort me. We pulled up to a huge house, that was two of Harry’s. 

“He thought it was necessary to buy the biggest house out of all the boys.” Harry said waving to the gate keeper. Harry pulled up right in the front.

“Harry!” Louis said coming out of the front door. He had a little girl in his arms. That I assumed was Leena. She was really cute, she looked just like Louis.

“How are you mate?” Harry said hugging Louis and smiling brightly at Leena. I stood there awkwardly.

“I’m great. Louis I would like you to meet Grace.” Harry introduced me. I smiled and went to shake Louis hand but instead he hugged me, like he has known me his entire life.

“It’s really a pleasure. I have heard super things about you. Harry told me so much. Oh and the first date. That was my idea.” He said with pleasure.

“It wasn’t a date.” Harry said.

“Whatever you say man. El! Come down here!” Louis called up the spiral staircase in the front foyer.

“I’m coming.” A beautiful girl said coming down the stairs. She was wearing a lovely navy blue dress.  Eleanor, the girl Louis has dated for many years before they were married.

“Grace this is Eleanor. My wife.” Louis said kissing her cheek.

“It’s nice to meet you. Louis told me that Harry really has a thing for you.” She smiled hugging me. I saw HArry’s face turn red. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Uncle Harry, can we play school?” Leena asked looking up from Louis shoulder.

“Yes Leena. We have another student.” Harry said smiling at Leena. Louis put the little girl down on the floor.

“You’re pretty.” She said to me. I smiled.

“You’re very pretty too.” I said leaning down to be on her level.

“Do you like to play school?”

“I love playing school. When I was your age. I used to boss my older brothers around, when we played school.” I smiled.

“I like you!” Leena said hugging me. I smiled.

“Well you have Leena’s approval.” Louis said to Harry. Leena held my hand. 

“We have a dress code at my school. You have to get changed.” Leena said grabbing my hand. I assumed she was taking me up the stairs to my room.

“It was a pleasure meeting you two. I’ll take good care of your daughter.” I said being swept to the land of Leena.


I'm really sorry I haven't updated in like a year. I have been busy with midterm exams and school and college apps. I hope you enjoy this chapter! It has Old Direction in it! Thanks to everyone who has read and is reading all my fanfics! I really apprecate it. PS. I changed my Twitter to @SkylaOfficial_ (i'm really niall horan) Okay Thank you! 


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