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“Welcome to Texas.” A southern accent said greeting us at the terminal after the long flight. I smiled and took a deep breath. 

“it feels good to be back here.” I said locking arms with Harry. Lucas stood next to me. I did not know what they did talk about last night, but ever since Harry couldn’t really look Lucas in the eye. I could feel Harry’s nervousness.

The drive to the ranch where my father lived and where the entire family would be staying was quiet. I quietly laid on Harry’s shoulder and he stared out the window looking at the passing farms. He had a mysterious look on his face, like he was thinking really hard. I knew what he was doing. He was over thinking the whole meeting my family thing.

“Stop being so nervous.” i said to him. He just smiled and then continued to look out the window. 

When Lucas pulled up to the farm we were greeted by the animals. Horses, pigs, cows and goats all making noises and the familiar smells.

“it feels good to be back here.” i said. I haven’t been home in a year and I had missed it. 

“GRACEY!” I heard my mother’s voice. She ran out of the front door. “Everyone Gracey and Lucas are here!” She called and ran into a hug.

“Mom! I missed you so much!”I said releasing Harry’s hand.

“We all missed you dear. And you must be the lovely Harry Styles that I have heard so much about. Gracey tells me wonderful things about you.” She said giving Harry a hug. My mom was a hugger. Soon behind her Billy, Charlie and Peter all came out of the doors. Embracing themselves with Lucas and I.

“Don’t cry.” Billy said giving me a hug. 

“I’m not. it’s just been a long time.” I lied wiping the tears. 

“Grace!” Charlie said giving me a long hug. He was the only one int he family that did not call me Gracey. I engulfed his familiar smell. I won’t even tell Harry, but Charlie smelled better.

“I missed you so much Charlie.” 

“Girl I missed you too. Tom really wants to meet you. He is in the house with Isabella. And you have to see  Billy’s little boy. He is adorable.” 

I smiled at him grabbing Harry’s hand.

“Charlie, Billy, Peter. I want you guys to meet Harry. This is my boyfriend.” I said. They all shook hands except for Charlie. He gave him a hug and whispered something in is ear. I couldn’t quiet understand, but Charlie was smiling.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. Lucas told us about you.” Peter said. I heard Harry gulp, he didn’t know if it was a good thing or not.

“Everyone lets get inside. Gracey, your father is inside. His back isn’t doing to well.” My mom said.

We walked into the house as a family. I greeted Isabella who was still incredibly beautiful since the last year I saw her. And Billy’s son, Pat and his wife Karmin. The best reaction was Tom, Charlie’s boyfriend. He greeted me with a hug and a huge kiss on the cheek like we were best friends forever. HE also greeted Harry with a hug. I liked Tom and my entire family did too, even my dad. That gave me hope for Harry.

“Is that my Gracey?” I heard my father said coming into the living room.

“DADDY!” I said running to him and giving him a big hug. I was always a daddy’s girl. The youngest of 5 kids, and the only girl I really had no choice.

“you look so beautiful Gracey.” He said kissing my forehead.

“I am the same as I did last year.” I smiled

State of Grace: A One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now