Twenty Four

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I walked onto the plane to go home with Harry. I was exhausted and had to wake up at 3:30 to leave for the airport. Saying good bye to my parents and brothers was really difficult. Lucas was staying home for a little while before he came back to London. 

“You know your family will always be there for you.” Harry said holding my hand as we sat in the white comfortable first class seats.

“I know, it’s just hard not seeing them for awhile.” I said i held my tears.

“I get it. I know the feeling. When I was part of One Direction touring was the greatest part, but also the worst. I hated leaving my mom. Especially being so young I didn’t know a lot. I had to grow up pretty fast and missed the best years of my life. But I had the greatest experience that I could have ever asked for. It was an incredible time and I couldn’t ask for a different life style.”

“Did you ever miss your mom?”

“All the time, ever day. I would always ask myself what she was doing. I was her baby and I left her before she wanted to let me go. I was and still am really close to my mom. She didn’t let my ego get too big. When I would go home to spend time with her she would make me do chores like cleaning dishes or taking out the garbage. It made me feel like I wasn’t part of the worlds largest boy band.” He smiled.

“I feel so selfish talking about how I  miss my mom, when you traveled the world without your mom.”

“You can’t be. Maybe once in a while I would get home sick, but not really. I was with my family. Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn became my family. They were my brothers and I couldn’t have asked for a better bunch of lads than them. Speaking of the lads.” He started

“What?” I pondered.

“They all want to meet you. They are dying to meet you. Everyday I get texts from them asking me to bring  you along.”

“Are they going to like me?”

“Louis loves you. He is the hardest one to please because he is so critical of what I do with my life.”

“So when is this going to happen?”

“Tonight!” he said enthusiastically.


“Surprise!” He said.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes! The 5 of them are coming over tonight. I’m going to make dinner it going to be lovely. Just like old time.”

“But i’m going to be jet lagged and stuff.”

“Don’t worry about it. You will be fine. Liam hasn’t stopped texting me about how excited he is. And Louis wants to give the dogs back. Leena loves them so much, and Louis doesn’t want a dog right now.” He smiled.

“You don’t understand how much i want to punch you in the face right now.” Harry laughed.

“You love me.”

“I’m going to sleep.” I said putting my headphones in and leaning my head on his shoulder. Now I felt like Harry. I’m going to have to impress the most important people in his life. His band mates.


“What?” I asked coming down the stairs of Harry’s house. He was making dinner in the kitchen.

“Nothing, you just look nice.” He said greeting me with a kiss. I had fallen asleep when we got home and then woke up suddenly because I heard Harry drop a pan. I didn’t have time to shower because the boys were coming over in 30 minutes after I woke up. They were due to arrive in about 10 minutes.

State of Grace: A One Direction FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora