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“We need more chocolate chip cookies for the front.” I said icing a cake for a little girls birthday. It was a princess theme.

“Coming.” Bill said with a tray of fresh cookies. I could hear some commotion in the front but I ignored it. “Harry, welcome back!” I heard Kelly enthusiastically say in the front. I rolled my eyes at her flirting and went to greet harry.

“Hey Grace.” He said greeting me with a goofy grin on his face. I smiled before he grabbed a cookie. “What’s the special occasion for today? I couldn’t figure it out.” 

“You didn’t tell him Grace?” Cydney asked.

“Tell me what?” harry looked confused.

“Today is Grace’s 27th birthday.” She said. I turned a light red color.

“What? Why didn’t you tell me?” Harry asked, he was causing a scene so I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the back. Luckily no one was back here.

“I hate my birthday.” I said.

“Why? Birthdays are the best.” 

“I don’t like turning old, it’s weird.”

“You’re not old, you’re a year younger than I am!”

“I just don’t like the attention, I guess.” 

“Why didn’t you tell me? I would have actually cook or got you a cake or something!” 

“You don’t have to buy me anything, I would rather you not.”

“Why? It’s your special day.”

“Because we have known each other for like 5 days. It’s not really necessary. Plus yesterday was like a birthday party.” 

“I wish you told me, I would have planned something special for tonight. Are you even going to go out?”

“I think Juliette and I were going to get something to eat tonight.”

“Great! I’ll join you!”

“You don’t have to Harry.”

“But I want to.” he said putting his arms around my waist. “Are you still going to come with me to Louis’ house tomorrow night?”

“Yes I will. I love children and I want to meet him.” 

“Perfect.” I could hear the rest of the staff snicker in the front, they were obviously listening. I couldn’t help but smile. 

“You look perfect!” Juliette said judging my outfit. She bought it for me and demanded that I wear it. 

“I’m not much of a a heal person” I said trying to balance in my wedges.

“Ben come up here!” Juliette called to her husband. 

“What’s up dear?”He said kissing her, I slightly envied their relationship.

“Doesn’t Grace look lovely!” She said.

“You look great Grace, i bet this man will love what you’re wearing.” He said. and I smiled.

“Thank you Ben.” I said fixing the sleeve of my jacket.

“Don’t touch anything, you look perfect.” Juliette said wiping any micro dust particles that could be on my dress. The Door bell rang. I led the way to the front door and opened it.

“Harry!” I said greeting him. 

“You look really nice.” He said I wanted to tell him he smelled incredible but I couldn’t. “I know you told me not to get you something, but I couldn’t help it.” He said handing me a bag.

“But I said.” I started to say, but I was cut off.

“Grace, stop being so rude and open the present.” She said eyeing the bag like a hawk.

“It’s not that big of a deal, it’s something small.” He said. I un wrapped the tissue paper in the bag and took out a small picture frame. In the frame was a picture of me, Harry and the dogs from the park. 

“Harry this is perfect! Where did you even get this picture from?” I asked hugging him.

“Well the paps kind of got a picture of us, so I used one of those.”

“I love it.” I said pulling him along with me to my bedroom.

“Don’t mess up your outfit!” Juliette called to me. I felt myself blush a little bit.

“It’s perfect and it matches my bedroom.” I said putting it right next to my bed, on my table.

“I’m glad you like it, I could have gotten you something better..”

“This is perfect actually, it is the best birthday gift, actually one of the bests.” I said.

“HARRY, GRACE! LETS GO!!! DINNER IS AT 8!”  Juliette called I pulled off of Harry and gave him an apologetic look.

Hours Later I sat between Juliette and Harry. Both were incredibly Drunk and I couldn’t help but laugh. Everything they said was slurred and they couldn’t walk in a straight line without tumbling over. I was never a big drinker and only had one. I was also the designated driver. I volunteered because I knew Harry liked drinking and so did Juliette. Ben had a couple of drinks, but not as many as Harry and Juliette. It was almost 2 in the morning and the Bar was closing. 

“You need to go.” The bartender said taking away Harry’s drink.

“Excuse me! Do you know who I am? You cannot take my drinks away!” Harry said, but it was slurred when it came out of his mouth. I rolled my eyes and shot the bartender an apologetic look.

“Thanks!” I said pulling harry. Ben was nearly carrying Juliette because she couldn’t walk without falling. It was actually really funny, but I needed to get out.

I dropped off Juliette and Ben, telling Ben to have Juliette call me after. Harry was sleeping in the back seat. He knocked out after I started the car, in a matter of minutes. I laughed and took a quick picture. Black mail at its finest. He was like a rock. If I wasn’t too lazy I would check to make sure he was actually breathing. But I did not feel like getting out of the car. 

I knew that the dogs were at Harry’s house but Harry needed to be watched. I stopped by my house.

“Harry. Harry you have to wake up.” I said slightly shaking him. He woke up.

“ugh?” He looked around.

“Come on Harry.” I said helping him out of the car and into my house.

“Where are we?” 

“We are at my house, you’re going to sleep here tonight.”

“But, the dogs?” 

“I’m going to go get them. Do you have a key to your house on you?” I asked walking him up the stairs to my bed room.

“Yeah.” He said handing me an entire key of rings. “it’s the small blue one. The alarm code is 072310. The date One Direction got put together.” He smiled taking his pants off right in front of me. He climbed into my bed with his boxer briefs on and still his shirt and passed out. I laughed picking up his pants and folding them. I ran down the stairs and back into the car to get the dogs.

State of Grace: A One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now