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GRACE!” Harry called from his bedroom. It had been a week and Harry is on the verge of making me explode. I have been taking care of him since he was diagnosed with the flu. And I knew he was getting better, but he was incredibly annoying. It was like the stupid episode when he was ICarly, except this wasn’t him acting poorly. It was real.

“What?” I asked peering into his room. Harry laid on his bed food on one side of him with a notepad and the remote controller on the other side. He has been working on writing for his new solo album. 

“Can you take this?” He asked handing me a plate with the remains of a sandwich that I had to make him.

“You’re legs aren’t broken Harry. You’re very capable of walking to the trash can.” I said taking the plate from him.

“But i’m sick.” He said fake coughing. He was obviously fine and felt better, but he got used to me doing everything for him.

“You’re fine.” I said.

“No i still have the flu.”

“I don’t know what’s worse, your acting or the smell of the room.” I said. Harry refused to clean the room the entire time he was sick. And it smelled like dog and rotting food.

“I don’t smell anything?”

“Because it’s like you have been living in a dumb site for the past week.”

“What’s wrong? You seem tense?” He asked wanting me to come over to sit with him.

“You’re annoying me.” I said, I was always an honest person, especially to Harry.


“I have been your slave for the past week and I feel like you don’t appreciate it.”

“Of course I appreciate it! I appreciate everything that you have done for me! Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because you barely say Thank You anymore, and every little thing you need me to do because you’re too lazy to do it yourself.” 

“I’m not that lazy.”He said and I looked at him and shook my head.

“You’re unbelievable.” I said standing up from the bed.

“It’s just I like having you around doing things for me. I like you always spending time with me and not in the bakery or out and about.”

“Harry that’s nonsense. I have worked in the bakery and been out and about since you have been sick!”

“Okay, I am thankful for you, I have a secret that I have been keeping and it’s a way to show my graduate.”He said standing up from his bed.

“What are you talking about?”

“Actually there are two things.” 

“Well I haven’t left my bed or my computer for this week because I have been kind of busy.”

“Doing what? Eating and looking at porn?” I asked and HArry laughed.

“I don’t need porn I have you.” He smirked and I turned red.


“Well Shadow is the only one who knows about this, because he has kind of been my partner in crime and listening to me this week.”

“Spit it out!”

“Um. I created my first single for my new album.”

“Congratulations Harry! But what does that have to do with me?”

“EVERYTHING! You were my inspiration in writing the entire song. I wrote it about you, for you.”

“Can I hear it?”

“No, it’s not ready yet. You can here it when the rest of the world hears it.”

“Which is?”

“I’m not sure yet. I think i’m going to have a mini concert after the holidays. Just a couple of hundred people. I never performed on my own.”

“Maybe you should practice on me?” I asked putting my hands around his neck.

“No, it has to be a surprise.” He smiled.

“Can you at least tell me the title of the song?”

“Nope.” He said. I rolled my eyes and kissed him. I haven’t kissed him in a week and I missed it incredibly. “There is something else.”


“We’re going on vacation.”

‘What? When, where, why?”

“You and me. Brazil for Christmas. I’m tired of the cold and I need to go somewhere warm. “

“Why Brazil?”

“Because it’s fun, and warm. And they have festivals I want to go to.” He smiled.

“I can’t wait.”


Guys I haven't updated in a really long time because softball started and I have gone to bed  really eearly! I'm not sure how many chapters are left, but i'll try to updated more and more. 

State of Grace: A One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now