Twenty Seven:

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I watched Harry fix his shirt in the mirror as someone did his hair. He looked nice in the clothing that I picked out. I wore a pair of maroon/plum pants, white and black laced top and a black blazer. He just wore the gray button down shirt.

“You will be on in 5, Mr. Styles.” Some lady in all black and had a headset on.

“Thank you.” He said getting up from the chair and fixing his hair that the hair stylist just did. 

“Are you nervous?” I asked.

“Not really. I’ll have you by my side.”He said kissing me.

“About that.”


“I’m not going to be with you the entire time. Only at the end for a little bit.” I said. The producer told me that I was only going to be on towards the end of the show because the big news was all about Harry, not me. I wasn’t really important.

“That’s annoying.”Harry said frowning.

“But don’t worry, I’ll be cheering you on from back here.”

“Harry you’re on in a minute.” The lady came back. I kissed Harry again as he walked off towards the stage.

Harry’s Point Of View:

“I’d Like to welcome a very special guest. Harry Styles!” Mr. Jonathan Ross introduced me.There was a loud eruption of cheers. 

“Thank You.” I said sitting down on the couch next to Jonathan’s chair

“How’ve you been Harry?” He asked.

“I have been well. Just got back from Texas.”

“So I have heard. You were with your girlfriend’s family?” He asked. A picture of Grace and I appeared on a screen. It was when we were going to bake. I didn’t know I was being photographed.

“Yes. I was got to help her celebrate Thanksgiving.” 

“How was Thanksgiving did you eat a lot?”

“Yes. I ate a whole lot. But it was all excellent.”

“We will get to your girlfriend later. Tell Us Harry, what big plans you have for the future.”

“Well I have discussed this with producers, management and friends, that A future career as a solo artist will eventually happen.” I said and the crowd began to cheer.

“You decide to leave the boy band image behind you, and focus on yourself?”

“I don’t think that image of being in a boy band will ever leave me. It was my entire life and still is my entire life. Being a part of One Direction was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“Do the other boys approve of this?”

“Of course so. They love the idea. I wanted to come back as a band, but they were all too busy.”

“Too busy with what?”

“Well they all have families now and told me that they cannot be traveling and leaving their families alone.”

“Does that mean you don’t want to settle down like the rest of the lads?”’

“No, I want to settle down, I just don’t know when. I think when the time comes it will happen. And I will have a wonderful partner that supports my decisions.” 

“Speaking of wonderful partners, how is your lovely girlfriend?”

“She is incredible.”I smiled looking towards the backstage where Grace was standing. She waved as someone was fixing her microphone.

State of Grace: A One Direction FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now