Chapter 22 - Livid

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"What do you mean she's not going to take me back? She's bearing my child." I groaned through the phone. I nervously ran my hands back and forth over my hair.

"I'm serious. She's pissed. I don't think she even wants to put your name on the birth certificate," Jack sighed.

"She fucking has to, she has no where to go!" My head began to pound as my voice echoed through the empty house.

"Listen bro, you fucked up. You literally fucked up! How did you leave from my house and end up at Lilia's? That makes no sense! You began the night with someone who truly loved you, and began the next day with someone who just wanted a fuck."

Jack was right, how could I not think about Regan?

"You're right," I hung up, turned by phone off and sat it on the coffee table.

This living room was her favorite room. It made her feel... alive. We had our best and worst conversations here, watched endless movies. I'm sure this is the only room that I didn't have sex with her in.

A loud knock came upon my door, and it took every muscle in my body to sulk my way towards it. Each step got heavier and heavier, as the realization that Regan wouldn't be on the other side.

I swung the door open slowly, almost as if it weighed thousands of pounds.

"Aww, Sammy. Pick your head up, baby. You're finally free of that pregnant whore!" She chirped. I jerked my head up, the quick motion making me dizzy.

When my vision cleared, Lilia's golden blonde hair flowed at my doorway. She pushed me aside and sauntered indoors, her heels clicking on the hardwood floors.

"What did you just say?" I questioned, following her into the kitchen.

"You know what I said," Lilia taunted as she leaned onto the marble island.

"You knew that we were together and you seduced me anyways?!" I shouted. She joked slightly at the tone of my voice, but quickly calmed herself.

"I did you a favor!"

"How!" I screamed. My entire body shook with anger, and all I could see was red.

"Do you really think that you getting a girl pregnant before marriage would help your career? The media would roast your ass!" Lilia threw her head back and laughed, resembling the typical villain.

"Do you think I care? I loved her!" I growled. The room began to omit a feeling of red.

"If you loved her so much, why'd you cheat on her!"

And in that moment, I realized that I would never be the same again. Glass vases shattered, Lilia's screams, and blood would litter this room in my memories forever.


"So, I'm just going to take your blood pressure and then your doctor will meet you here."

The nurse strapped the rubber band around my arm, then slowly pumped the air into it.

"You look young to be a mother," she commented, quickly looking me over.

"Age doesn't mean a thing, ma'am."  I tried not to snap on her, already irritated with the ever growing weight above my bladder.

She hummed a bit, before writing her observations down on a paper filled clipboard.

She make quick glances between Jack and I, before making one last comment.

"Congrats on your baby,"

She left the room, leaving Jack and I to let out shaky breaths.

"I shouldn't be the one here," Jack blurted out.

"I know, but Sam isn't exactly my favorite right now."

"I'm sorry,"

"Just stop talking about it."

Suddenly, the door slammed open,  and a man with dark scruff and a long white coat hurriedly entered.

"We need to get you to the main hospital, it's an emergency."



okay, I'm calm. Comment your favorite quote from this book so far right here!

Can't Get Attached; Sam WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now