Chapter 23 - Mistakes

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Sam's POV
"Sam! How could you do that me?!" Lilia yelled. She stood, clutching her arm to stop the blood from streaming to the floor.

"No, how could you do that to me?! You knew how much I loved you, and you screwed me over not once, but twice! And you didn't just screw things up for me, but for my girl and my baby!"

"I was trying to help you!" She banged her hand on the marble countertop.

"You're only trying to help yourself!" I growled, clenching my fists in attempts to subdue my anger. I turned away from her, heading out of the kitchen.

"Sam! I still love you!" I nearly tripped when I heard her, and my heart filled with a little bit of joy. But when I took a glance back, it wasn't Regan who I saw, it was still Lilia.

"Get out," I mumbled, leaving her alone in the kitchen.

In the next three days, I made decisions. They were going to change my life forever, but first I had to change myself.

I constantly thought about how Regan was, how far along she was, if she went to the doctor yet, if the baby was fine...

I decided to give Jack a call, pacing until he finally answered.

"Yeah, bro?" He spoke, seeming a little annoyed.

"How is Regan?" I asked as I teetered back and forth on each foot.

"She's alright, I guess." He sighed. I felt that something was off, something he wasn't telling me.

"Jack, what's wrong.."

"Regan was rushed to hospital,"

"For what?!"

"Something went wrong at the doctor visit! We were at the doctors and.. and I don't know! They just told us that we needed to get her to the hospital!" His voice cracked, and he began to cry a little.

"Sam, I can't do this! It's not my kid, and I can't be there for her!" Jack started to bawl, choking into the phone.

"Jack, I'm coming right now!" I hung up before I threw my shoes on and shot out the door. But when I got to my car was when I realized that I forgot my keys. So I went back and banged on the front for until Mason let me in. After he handed me the keys, I sped my way to the hospital.

When I got there, I ran frantically up to the main desk.

"Do you know where I could find Regan Underhill?" I asked the nurse behind the desk. She took her precious time of searching through the names, only to flatten my hopes.

"What about Regan Wilkinson?" I asked again.

"Yeah, she's here. But she isn't allowed to have visitors at this time. You can take a seat in the waiting area for a few minutes until I can give a time that she'll be available."

I smiled, and happily walked over and plopped down into a chair. I wasn't happy that I couldn't see her, but I was happy that she had my last name. And I liked it that way.
but im back, for now at least.
sucky chapter, but I owed you one!

Can't Get Attached; Sam WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now