Chapter Twenty One - Gone Boy

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"Where the fuck is he?" I yelled into my phone. Jack Johnson was on the other side, looking for Sam.

Sam has disappeared a few days ago, not returning phone calls, texts, anything. The last person who saw him was Jack Gilinsky. He was at Gilinsky's the night we had talked about who was the baby's father. Since then, he's been off the radar.

"I don't know, Regan. I'm worried too, but Cam's at the police station talking about what we can do before we put out a missing person alert." Jack sighed.

Just then, the front door slammed open and a disheveled Sam walked into the house.

"Don't worry about that missing person alert, he's home." I muttered before hanging up.

"Where the hell have you been, Sam?" I yelled as he sat down in the living room and turned the tv on.

"Out." He simply replied, not even looking at me.

"It's been three days! I want a better explanation!"

"Or what?" He pressed. He narrowed his eyes, boring into me.

"I'll leave," I simply said. He raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.

"Fine. There's four hundred dollars on the table, take it with you. I don't want you and that baby here anyways. It's not even mine." My jaw dropped at his words, completely shocked.

I made my way upstairs, contemplating his words at every step of the staircase. In our bedroom, I packed everything I owned into the suitcase I had brought the first day and called a cab. Everything except for one envelope.

I grabbed the envelope and my suitcase and rushed downstairs. I shoved the money into my pocket, then ran into the living room where Sam still sat.

"Maybe you should have proof before you say that it's not your baby." I threw the envelope on the table, and left him there.


It's been a week since I had left. I hadn't tried to contact anyone, except to tell them that I was safe.

I sat in this hotel room continuously, thinking of how I had screwed up my life. I also thought of Sam, and how he had cheated on me with Lilia. He had texted me the day after I left, and he was in no way regretful. He didn't even spare me the details of his days there.

So now I was pregnant, poor, and heartbroken.

My phone buzzed on the coffee table, and I reached over to answer the call.

"Regan, where are you?" Jack whined. Gilinsky has been trying to take me from the hotel and keep me at his house for the last few days, but I hadn't let him know where I was.

"I'm at the hotel near Carter's house, room 219."

"Near Carter's house? No wonder anyone couldn't find you." Jack laughed. I joined in too. Everyone knew that Carter and I didn't get along very well.

"I'll be over soon," He said before ending the call.

Just as I set my phone down, it rang again, this time Sammy.

"What?" I snapped as I answered.

"Can we talk?"

"No, we can't."

"I'm sorry!" He cried through the phone, but I wasn't going to hear it.

"No, you're not! You can't hurt me then expect me to take you back whenever you feel bad about it!" I yelled then hung up.

I stared out the window until Jack came to take me to his house. I told him everything as soon as I got in the car. Lilia, the call, the paternal tests, every little detail.

I could tell he was angry, his knuckles turned white as his face turned red. Jack cared about me, even if I used to love Sammy.

Upon arrival at Jack's house, he helped me settle in the guest room. The house was silent, like the calm before a storm.

I heard Jack answer the door downstairs, talking in a quick, hushed tone. I began to ignore it, closing my eyes to clear mind.

"Regan!" He yelled. I shot up in panic. A loud commotion from downstairs made my adrenaline pump. There was glass shattering, wood splitting, and doors slamming.

I ran out to the balcony overlooking the main hallway, where Jack struggled to push Sammy back out the door.

"Babe, I'm sorry!" He reached out for me. I couldn't look him in the eye after all the pain he's caused.

"No Sam, you're not. I'm done trying. You've ignored me, cheated on me, tore me to pieces. I will not be the one to give in and forgive. I'm tired of forgiving. I'm tired of being the one who gets hurt, and goes back to the one who hurts them. I will be strong, wether or not you're there. Fuck you, and your bullshit. I'm done."


Can't Get Attached; Sam WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now