Chapter Eight - Surprises

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"Umm, excuse me?"

Jack and I turned around, feeling caught and guilty.

Luckily, our intruder was only Mason to hand me a letter.

"Who's that from?" Jack tore the envelope from my hands and ripped if open.

Jack began to read aloud.

"Dear Regan,

How's that hottie you're working with?

I saw you two on TMZ and I've never been so jealous!

The house has been really different without you. They're's no more random singing, and everyone's been kinda dull. James has been really hard on us, especially Jess. After a meeting with him, Jess came back with puffy eyes and bruises. They're back at it again.

I don't know how we are going to end up by the time you come back. We need our kid back."

My head bowed when I heard of Jess' fate. She had always struggled with her relationship with James, but when it came abusive, she shied away. I guess she fell back into the rabbit hole.

"Hey, I'm sorry about your friend." Jack looked over to me and rubbed my back.

"When she began to have feelings for one of her employers, James pulled her from the field and kept her as his own. Everyone knew he abused her but, everyone was too fearful he would treat them the same if they stepped it. She was the first, and the last to ever fall for her employer."

"That's why you tend to be so bottled up." Jack leaned back in the grass, looking up into the clouds.

"I'm not bottled up," I snapped. Jack have me a knowing look.

"Okay, so if you're not bottled up, tell me your darkest secrets."

"How will this prove anything?"

"I-just do it!" Jack had such eagerness to know anything about me.

"Okay, so you know this scar right here," I showed him the lightened skin across my hip.

"My dad, um, he and my mom got into a fight and he started to throw things. He was wasted and his words weren't clear, but his anger was focused like a laser. I can downstairs to see what the commotion was and," By now the salty tears rolled over my cheeks from retelling the nightmare.

"He pushed me and my hip was cut by a sharp edge of our glass table." My body shook as a sob I tried to hold back broke loose.

Jack took my shaking body into his arms as he tried to comfort me. I tried to compose myself and when I succeeded, I felt unusually calm.

"You know I'd never hurt you, even though I blackmailed you into fucking me, I'd never do that." Jack stroked my dark hair as he spoke.

"No one has ever said that to me." I said with a shaky voice. Jack hugged me tighter and kissed the top of my head.

"I'll say it to you everyday if you want,"

I snuggled into Jack's chest as he sang and rocked me to sleep.


Regan had just fallen asleep, her straight hair fanning out around her.

"Jack what are you doing here?" I looked back to see Sam, glaring down at Regan and I.

"I came to see Regan,"

"I thought I told you not to touch my girl!" Sam yanked me up by the collar so he could look me in the eye.

"Oh fuck the show, I already knew that she was a prostitute that you hired. you have no reason to be jealous."

"I pay for her, get your own." And with that Sam scooped her up and took her upstairs.

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed.

"Fucking jealous."


I woke in Sam's bed, only to be greeted by a pacing and anxious Sam.

"Hey, what time is it?"

"Why the fuck should the time matter?!" Sam screamed in my face. for some reason it felt like we did this everyday.

"Okay what the fuck crawled up your ass?" I screamed.

"Why are you such a bitch?!" Sam stood over me as he let out his rant.

Done with his bullshit, I raised my hand to slap him.

Bad idea.


Had to republish bc it was missing some

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