Chapter Twelve - Decline

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"Go away Sam,"

"It's not Sam."

I turned from the the window to glance at whoever dared to disrupt me. Staring back at me were Aaron and Mahogany. Mahogany had a worried expression written across her face, while Aaron looked stressed.

"If you're here to judge me, you're late." I said as I turned back to the window. I saw Mahogany move to the foot of my bed in the reflection of the window.

"I'm not here to judge you. We all do things for a reason." Mahogany began to rub my back slowly.

"Yeah, I mean, Jack did that because he's jealous that you picked Sam over him. You have to have your reason too," Aaron tried to explain.

"My mom's a druggie and I needed the money to take care of my brother. Its been like this since I was sixteen." I let the automated words fall from my mouth. I feel like if the same response was told every time I got close enough to someone. I just needed to take care of my brother.

"You did what you needed to do for your brother. We understand. Everyone does." Mahogany wrapped her warm arms around me.

I finally felt secure. I laid my head on her shoulder while Aaron left us alone.

"You know, I really like you. I'm usually stuck around guys but you're here now." Her words shocked me. I never really had a friend, I often pushed people away.

"Really?" I asked her.

"Yeah, now, as much as I love the guys, sometimes I need someone to go shopping with and watch sappy movies and get our hair and nails done with."

I was going to agree with Mahogany until a light rapping came upon the door.

"Hey, can I have a minute with Rey?" Sam was leaning against the door, his knuckles on his right hand wrapped in tape. Mahogany excuses herself from the room before Sam stepped away from the wall.

"Umm, are you okay?" Sam sat next to me on the bed.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Did you hear what I said?" Oh no, not this.

"Yeah," I couldn't lie to him. Not like this, not him so close to me.

"I really do love you. I fell in love when you fell apart." His giant hand took my small one, and he leaned closer to me. His lips against mine were soft, but rough as they molded perfectly. When he pulled away, I was expecting more.

But nothing came. He just got up and left. No words. I was left speechless and I couldn't think properly.

"He really likes you, you know." Jack J was now standing in my doorway.

"Jack or Sam?"

"Jack. He just doesn't do well with, uh, rejection. Please just talk to him." I turned to the door to reply, but he was ready gone.

My phone started ringing, but Jack's name came up on the screen so I ignored it. Until he started blowing up my phone.

Jack: Regan
Jack: please talk to me
Jack: baby please
Jack: I'm sorry

I ignored the texts, but one really caught my eye. Instead of making my heart flutter, it made my stomach churn.

Jack: I love you
Yay I updated! someone commented that this should be your Halloween treat so here you go!

I want to change Regan's full name, so comment first and last names, and if I pick yours I'll give you a shoutout!

I hope everyone had a good time and was safe! Now don't get cavities. My moms a dentist and you try getting past her with candy.

Thanks for over 5k reads and over 100 votes! Ahh you guys make me happy! tysm!

Can't Get Attached; Sam WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now