Chapter 25 - Fuck Ups

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Sam's POV

When I heard her voice crack as her body was rocked with sobs, I felt like shit.

I couldn't stay in the room with her knowing that my ignorance and judgment did that to her. So I left.

I sat in a chair outside of her doorway and waiting until I couldn't hear her strangled cries anymore and she fell asleep.

The hospital around me, though, didn't become calm. The busyness of the hospital was like a raging storm. Nurses were running through the halls after an alarm sounds, and paramedics were bringing a new patient in every few minutes.

After a while I began to doze off as well, sitting very comfortably in the cushioned chair.

"Sam," Jack Johnson nudged my shoulder and sat beside me.

"Hey man, what are you doing here?" I rubbed my face and stretched out a bit.

"Lilia told me what you did. Just because you're upset with her doesn't mean you have to hit her. You've never hit a girl before." Jack scolded me. I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I turned to him and stared at him. He pulled out his phone and started tapping away before showing me a picture.

"Lilia said you did this to her," The screen showed Lilia's bruised face and busted lip, obviously beaten.

"Jack, you gotta believe me. I never would intentionally harm her. The girl left my house with only a cut in her a from a vase I knocked over." I explained. Jack waved his hand to stop me from continuing on.

"Sam, she's going to file a police report." He sighed, expecting me to just up in surprise.

"I don't care. I just want my girl back." I stood up and walked into Regan's room, the storm behind me calming into a sunny day.

I lifted the covers and slid in the bed next to her, resting my hand on her stomach. I slowly let my fingers dance on the rounded figure beneath them.

"Hi," She opened her eyes and blinked at me a few times.

"Don't say anything, I know I'm an ass, and I'm sorry. I really want to be better for our kid." I nuzzled my face into her neck, huffing.

"You mean kids." She whispered. I pulled back from her, glancing between her face and her stomach.



Can't Get Attached; Sam WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now