Prom p2

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I waited with my mom in the dining room. I kept adjusting my suit.

"Do I look okay?"

"Honey you have asked me this question over a million times"

"Yeah, but do I?" My mom stood up and walked over to me. She pushed the hair out of my eyes.

"You look very handsome"

I smiled. When suddenly I hear a knock at the door. I jump out of my seat and quickly walk to the door. I opened it and saw Brian holding a bouquet of roses.

"Are those for me?"

"Yes they are" I blushed. My mom walked over and greeted Brian.

"You look very handsome Brian" My mother said.

"Thank you" Brian looked baack and then back in our direction

"Everything okay Brian?" My mom asked concerned

"Yeah, but I think that we should get going, the limo is waiting"


"Yeah I rented a limo for a very special night."

"Brian thats amazing! But you didn't have to"

"But I wanted to. I wanted my princess to ride in style."

"Princess?" My mom questioned.

"Don't worry about it my. So I think we should be going"

"Wait, not yet I want to get a picture" My mom ran away from us and came back. "Okay nice big smiles" Brian and I posed. Just as my mom was about to take the picture, Brian kissed me. And the picture snapped. When he pulled back I saw him with a big smile. "Oh my gosh! I am framing this"


"What? This is so cute!" She looked at the picture. " I am sending this to everyone to let them know how happy you are with your litttle boyfriend"

I frowned. Brian laughed. "Come on the limo is waiting." I smile and Brian and I walk out of the house and to the car. I see a long black limo waiting for me and Brian. I look at it in awe.

"Brian how can you afford this?"

"Have you seen my place?" I laugh and remember how big his house was. "Come on time to dance the night away"

When we reach prom we walk in with our arms locked. Some people look at us and smile while others look disgusted. But I shouldn't worry about those people. This is a special night for me and for my boyfriend

We walk to the dance floor and Home by: is playing.

"This is my favorite song" I say to Brian.

"I love this song too" We start dancing. "You are my best friend and my one and only boyfriend" I blush. He pulls me closer to him and we dance. I smile at how excited he is to be here with me. I wonder if every time we dance that it will always be like this. That I will always be in his embrace.

After Home was done playing, If I die Young started to play.

Brian looks at me.

"If I die young, burry me satin, lay me down on a bed of roses. Sink me in the river at dawn send me away with the words of a love song" Brian quietly sang in my ear. I look at him he smiles.

"I didn't know you could sing" I said

"There are so many things that you don't know"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask him with my voice getting shaky

"It means that I have more surprises in store for you"

"Like what?"

"You'll have to wait and see"

He spins me around till I gave him again

"So you can dance too?"

"Tony, we've been here for an hour, and you say this now"

"Whatever" I look around "Lets just keep dancing"

"I want to take you somewhere"

Brian takes my hand and we leave the prom.

"Where are you taking me?"

"That I cannot say"

I groan. We go to the limo and Brian whispers a secret address into the drivers ear. When he leans back he has a wild grin on his face.

"What?" I ask him concerned

"This night has just been amazing."

"Yeah, I know because I spent it with you" I tell him.

He leans in and gives me a quick pec on the lips.

"It's been so amazing for me. Because you looked sexy in your suite, and because I have the most amazing person here with me" Embarrassment crosses my face.

Brian pulls me closer to him until there was no space between us. When then suddenly he pulls me onto his lap.

"Brian what are you-"

Brian makes it so I'm facing him.

"You make me so happy"

Brian pulls me closer to him once again. Brian lays a kiss on my lips. I wrap my legs around his waist. His hands slide down my back to my waist and my arms wrap around his neck.

This was going somewhere

I pull back

"B-Brian" I whisper

"Don't ruin the moment" he whispers back.

His hands go under my shirt and I feel his warm hands touching my skin. His lips move down to my neck. I let out a small moan.

"Brian... why isn't the car moving" I ask in a low voice.

"Because we are going somewhere that no car can take us" he murmurs in my ear.


Sry for the lack of updates.
Been busy.
School drama...
Boy drama...



Sry if this kinda sucks.


And I hate like guys. People think I'm a lesbian. ugh. stuff.

Sooooooo. I....... yeah.

Thx for 1k


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