Truth Or Dare p3

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"So what are we gonna do" I ask with a long sigh following it.

"We could play another round if truth or dare"

"Ok fine. You start."

"Truth or dare?" he asks with the slight sound of mischief in his voice.

"Uh dare I guess"

"I dare you to kiss me."

"Brian we already covered that."

"I wasn't done" my eyes widen. "for as long as you can" Wow wow wow what the frick!? He crawls over to me and sits on top of me. "You ready?" He raps his arms around my neck and starts.

At first I thought he was pulling away when he kissed me even more intensely. He moved his arms down to my back and I just held his head. One of my hands is trying to hold us up but we fall over anyway. But that doesn't stop Brian.

I let out a little moan. "Who-" I moan again "counting..." He kisses me with more passion.

"Who cares" He breaks the kiss then leans in again. God damn. Three months ago I would never have thought that I would be making out with the new kid in school. Who just so happens to be gay.

After what felt like eternity Brian pulls away. I try to grasp my breath but all I can feel is his lips on mine. I look at the clock and see that it's 11:30 What the hell? What time did we start?

"One last dare. And I'm asking it" Brian says

"Alright fine" I say still unable to breath.

"I dare you to sleep with me. Not the dirty way just sleep and let me hold your body close to mine" I blush.

Brian gets up and hops into bed. He pats the bed and I slowly get up. Brian extends his hand and I take it. Brian pulls me onto the bed and we start laughing.

We position ourselves so we are comfortable.

"Good night Brian" I whisper.

"Good night" Brian turns the light off and everything goes black.

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