A Little Bit Of Warmth

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*this is a time jump to summer vacation*enjoy*

Graduation was fun. But now it's summer. I love summer. I love the warmth and the warm beaches.

Brian and I are going to be counselors for this camp. The camp goes to the beach twice a week and takes a trip every week and the rest two days are spent at this building that is like a place where a lot of kids hang out. I personally am really excited. I get to make some friends and it gives me something to do which is great.

There are a lot of kids that want to go. So, because of that we have two counselors for each group. The bad news is that each group has a male and a female counselor. The upside to this is the fact that Brian and I are in the same age group. And with that our summer begins


On our first day, we get our shirts to let other campers know that we are the counselors.

Brian and I sit outside of the building waiting for the kids.

"Shouldn't we have told Nicole that we are dating?" I ask Brian looking over at him.

"Why? I love having them just think your friends"

"But then I can't kiss you" I whine.

He looks around then looks back at me.
He leans in and kisses me quickly. I smile.

"Are you guys ready? I see some cars on their way"

We nod and get up.

I walk over to Nikki. She is the other counselor in the group.

"Hey white boy" If I forgot to mention she is black. But she is amazing. "You nervous?"

"Yeah, but for the future this could be good" When I say that, I look over at Brian.

I look at Nikki and smile.

Just then a young girl who looks about 10 comes out of a Mercedes.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Miranda" says the girl.

I look over to Brian.

After an hour or so, every kid was at the camp. We split off into our age groups. Nikki, Brian, Katy, Jenna, Derek and I take our group to the field.

Is counselors pair off with our other partner. We call off names on the list. We get our groups in order and decide to do a get to know you game activity and be one big group to do so.

"So, you're gonna say your name and your favorite movie!" Nikki announces.
"So I'm Nikki and my favorite movie is The Notebook"

"I'm Jenna and my favorite movie is Divergent"

"I'm Derek and my favorite movie is Scream"

"I'm Katy and my favorite movie is Tangled"

It gets to Brian. He looks at me and smiles. "I'm Brian and my favorite movie is The Moulin Rouge" I laugh a little.

It gets to me "I'm Tony and my favorite movie, like Brian is The Moulin Rouge" We slyly smile at each other.

After that the 9-12 year olds went to the gym for a game of dodgeball. I told Nikki that I'm no good at the game so I will just watch. She nodded and said that she would play.

I sit out and watch all the kids and if anyone cheats, I am in charge of calling them out and resolving any issues that the kids have.

Some of these kids are monsters.

Brian isn't to bad himself. I see so many of his muscles flexing and my God is it hot!

Just then Miranda the girl who was about 10 walks up to me and sits down beside me.

"You don't want to play?" I ask her

"No. I am really bad at this game and I would just hurt myself."

"Amen" I look at her. From afar she looks ten but up close she seems twelve. "You're name is Miranda right?" I ask clarifying if I'm right.

"Yeah Im twelve"

It's like she read my mind.

I watch the game and keep track of who is on what team and who exactly is out.

"I like writing" she says to me. I look at her and the away and just nod. "I also like Broadway" I nod again.

Something is strange about this girl. Kinda sounds like she is trying to hit on me. And she is twelve.

"Brian is your age?"

"Yeah how did you know?"

"Wild guess"

"We just graduated high school together"

"Oh... really."

I just once again nod.

I watch Brian move around avoiding balls being thrown at him. I smile.

I notice Miranda following my gaze and quickly move to Nikki.

"Do you like Nikki?"

I look at her not believing that she bought that. "Uh, she's cute but I met her a few days ago"

"But if you look at her like that, it indicates that you're soulmates. Because your eyes says it all" I look back at Brian.

Miranda gets up and goes to a window and stares out of it.

Brian come over to sit out for a little.

"Hey" he said

"Hi" I look at him and notice some sweat glistening from his forehead.

"Why don't you want to play?"

"I would break my face" I say with a laugh.

"After camp today, come over to my place" he whispers. I blush and he gets up and runs back into the game.

I look around and lay my head onto the wall and close my eyes.

It's like we are back where we started. But I guess sometimes mystery is fun

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