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"Dad!" I gasp. Brian doesn't turn to look at him.

"I thought you told them" Brian asks through his teeth.

"I told my mom" I whisper.

"Tony would you care to explain why this boy was kissing your face?!"

"Because Brian is my boyfriend." My dad stares at me blankly. "We've been dating for about two weeks I think"

"When we're you gonna tell me?

"ASAP" He glares. I gulp.

"when you get out you are not able to come home."

" But Dad!!"

Brian looks at me and my eyes begin to water.

"Sir, if I may?" my dad glares. "I love Tony and I'm sure as hell that he Ioves me. And love is love! And no matter what you do I will always love him. And if you can't accept that and just stop loving your son then, no offense but something is wrong with you" I can't believe he just said that to my dad!

"Brian" I mumble.

My dad doesn't respond and just simply left.

My mom comes in and gives a week smile. "Honey"

"I get it. I will just move in with Brian." My mom and Brian laugh and I laugh too "So?"

"Your dad won't look at you the same... and I don't know if he ever will be ok with you being gay but! you can stay"

I smile up and Brian and then to my mom. I get to stay!!

"Oh you have a visitor" my mom says. In walks my brother.

"Andrew!" I smile.

"Hey baby bro"


"So he knew before we did?" My mom asks. I nod.

"He tried to cover it up by calling Brian, Briana"

Brian looks at me. Confused but also laughing.

"So Dad will not be seeing me a lot huh?"

"You'll see him. He just won't look at you the same way"

I sigh. At least I have a home, my boyfriend, and three loving people.

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