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"Umm ok" I pull out the chair and slowly sit downy

"Tony you have been in high school for about three four years now. Is there something you're not telling us?" dad asks.

I hesitate "no"

"Ok then lets eat" he said casually. Thats it? No other questions?

Dad grabs the pasta and starts serving himself. Then he takes the sauce and cheese. He looks at me confused.

"Something wrong?" he asks raising his brow.

"No" I lie. I look down "I'm not hungry" Dad looks annoyed. "may I be excused?"

"Not until you tell me what's wrong!'

"I already told you! NOTHING"

"Alright fine" he drops his fork. I get up and leave. Oh thank god!! They don't know anything.

Later that night I start a shower but I feel like I should cover my hand because that's the hand that touched Brian's cheek. His skin was soft. I know its crazy but it felt so real! Like he and I were ment to be! It felt natural. like it was supposed to happen.

I step in the shower and let the water trickle down my back. The heat against my skin felt awesome. The heat instantly calmed me down. I let out a long sigh. I pour shampoo in my hand rub my hands together and slide my hands through my hair.

I can't believe I got my first kiss today. But what about tomorrow night? I have a date with him. Do I tell Chris? Oh I don't think any of us thought this through. He probably wasn't thinking and neither was I. This might be a problem. Wait, what do I tell my parents? And my brother?! How will they react. Oh damn. This isn't good. I assume Brian's parents know his secret but mine... not much. I know I should tell them but I really love this house.

I turn the shower off. All I can think about are what if's. But what I should be thinking about is what I should wear. Hmmmm... I'm gonna need some time to think about that.

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