Back At School

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After and interesting weekend with Brian, it's Monday again. Don't get me wrong I like school but Mondays suck. I'm excited to see Brian even though we are pulling a Romeo and Juliet kind of thing. I don't mind. I get him after school and on the weekends. LOVE IS GOOD

I walk into the classroom and take my seat. I look at the door waiting for my love to come in so I can see his beautiful face. Brian then walks in and takes his seat next to mine. He winks at me and I blush. Winking must be his thing because he winks at me all the time. With 4 periods 'till lunch. Lunch is gonna be awesome because i get to be with Brian. He promised that we would sit together. Chris isn't here today so i can get Brian alone. Thank god for bathrooms.

Class begins but all i can think about is the game of truth or dare with Brian. I finally came out to one person and luckily he likes me back. Finally. You know i always end up crushing on the guy i can never get. Playing truth or dare with Brian is like swimming in a pool of great white sharks. There is no escape from it. I missed the lesson but if i need help i will just talk to my boyfriend. AHHH! I love that word. Boyfriend.

3 periods later lunch finally roled around. I can hang with Brian. I open the door to the cafeteria and see Brian. He smiles and motions me over. I bop up and down as i walk over to him.

"Hey Babe" he says with a slight wink. I blush

"You can't keep your own secret can you" He laughs. Followed by a long sigh. "Brian? Whats wrong. Are you straight?!" He laughs

"no. Never. But can I be honest?"

"Yeah." I take his hand under the table. " Shoot"

"Someone saw us at dinner on Saturday"

"What? who?"

"Christina. I don't know her last name" his eyes water "I've never even met her before"


"Yeah. She said if I don't date her she is gonna tell everyone about us" I hold my breath for a minute. He looks down.

"Hey, hey look at me. You ddon't want to date her" he laughs.

"But I can't"

"Brian yes you can." Teas stream down his face. "Brian whatever is gonna happen to you is gonna happen to me. We're in this together right?"

He gives a sad smile "Yeah" I look around making sure no one was watching. I brush my fingers through his hair

"Did you notice we only went on one date. Yet we are dating so soon and we met only a few months ago." he smiles and I laugh. "Really says something about true love" He's smiling but crying. I look around again and hug him "Don't worry no ones watching." We move away and he cracks up.

Tears burst from his eyes. I love him and understand where he's coming from but I have it worse. My parents will probably kick me out when they find out.

Brian hides his face in his black cat sweater. I rub his back and take him to the bathroom. I open a stall lock the door and kiss him. He sigh's. He pulls away.

"I've been waiting for that" and kisses me again. I grab his hair and his hands make my way under my shirt. We then hear footsteps stop and stay quiet. The door opens.

"Brian? Tony?" It was a female voice.

We don't move.

"It's okay I'm not gonna scold you." I adjust my shirt and Brian quickly fixes his hair and we walk out embarrassed. "Uhm." she says a little uncomfortable. "Lets have a chat." And we're off to guidance.

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