His Name Is Brian

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"Welcome back students" Mr.Tin said. I give a fake smile. 'Glad to be back' I murmur with the role of an eyes. It's the first day and I've already been slammed into the lockers. YAY! FUN! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MY BRUISE! "How was everyone's summer?" Mr.Tin asks

"Good" we mumble in unison

"Great!" he says. He looks around. I look too. Wow so many happy (not) faces. "So i know you, you know me, how about we meet someone new?"

Everyone's eyes lit up. This is so very exciting! No one ever comes to this school! Why? I have no fricken idea! But this is exciting. The first day and we finally get some exciting news.

My eyes keep watch at the door waiting to see the new person. "Come on in" my eyes keep watching when I become blinded by light! This person was... was beautiful! I've never seen anything like him. Ive never see a better looking guy in my life!

"Hi! My name is Brian" he says. Brian... Brian you shall be mine!! He's cute! With his brown hair. It was like a chocolate brown. More like dark chocolate. He is taller than me, has white teeth as from what I could tell through his toothy smile. His jawline could cut diamonds if it wanted to. I hope he isn't straight. I really need someone in my life besides Chris because she doesn't count for anything He looks over at me and winks. I hold my breathe when I realize he was looking at Mia the girl in front of me. That's it all hope is lost! I'll never get the guy of my dreams! DAMNIT! I was so ready to have my first kiss. I know it's lame that I haven't had my first kiss yet. Never found the right person.

Being me is hard. It's hard to find someone to love. I'm not open about myself yet and I don't think anyone knows me well in this school besides Chris. But who knows

"Brian please take your seat" Mr. Tin said. He looks around trying to find a seat. I look to my left and see that the seat next to me is the only seat open. YES! Brian looks at the seat and smiles. He starts walking over to it.

"Tony I would like you to show Brian around for today." Mr. Tin says looking at me. I nod and Brian sits down. Maybe this isn't going to be a bad day at all

"Hi I'm Tony" I say

"Nice to meet you Tony" he said. OMG! I just noticed he has a slight accent. Just a little. Very hard to notice but, SO CUTE!

"Tony you are excused to show Brain around" It IS my lucky day!! I pick up my books and papers and leave the room. Brian follows me out.

"So... what do you want to start with?" I ask him. I rock on my heels and look at the floor "We could just peek into classrooms or whatever"

"Is there a room that's not being used?" He asks. My heart skips a beat

"I... I t-think the a-art r-room" I stutter "Why?"

"Just don't want to go to a crowded place and could we please go there?" He asks nervously giving me puppy dog eyes. "I don't like crowds... " his voice drifts off

"I guess our tour begins" I say with a nervous laugh while rubbing the back of my head.


I flick on the art room lights, and look around and notice the artwork on the wall, a lot of it was mine, I was one of the teacher's favorites and would cherish any piece of art I gave her

"So this is the art room" I start "and-"

"Are we friends?" Brian asks. WHAT?!

"Well I kinda just met you and-"

"Can we be friends?" he asks looking

"Y-yeah sure" I say moving my head to the side a little. No guy ever would say that to me. In a way it is creepy but flattering. My only friend was ever Chris, pathetic I know but she gets me. Now my exciting friends list has reached two!

"Can you keep a secret?" he asks. A baffled look crosses my face, but I nod anyway.

"Yeah..." I mean I have kept my own secret for about 18 years

"Well I don't know how to say this but... I transferred schools because I got beat up for... um... I... I'm gay" I hold my breath and try not to smile. "PLEASE please don't tell" he begs. I cross my heart. I open my arms offering my arms to him. He takes the hug and he nuzzles into my neck and I can feel some tears in his eyes.

Because of how large the school is, by the end of the tour, we got to know each other a lot better. But not any specifics. We just learned each others personalities you could say. It was nice. I finally have someone who is not Chris

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